vim-addon-haskell : run cabal within vim using vim-addon-actions + some goodies
script karma |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Marc Weber |
script type |
utility |
description |
reconfigures cabal project, run cabal in background. Suggests import lines based on tag files and quickfix errors ...
This all is based on vim-addon-actions thus you can bind the "recompile" action to a key or to the if any buf was written action.
This plugin just does what I need.
Want to run ghci in VIM? give SHIM or vim-addon-async a try. |
install details |
As always consider using a plugin manager such as vim-addon-manager, pathogen, vundle to get latest code from my
depends on vim-addon-actions (vim-addon-manager supports pulling dependencies) |
script versions (upload new version)
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