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blue_sky : light/dark color scheme for both gvim & vim

 script karma  Rating 8/8, Downloaded by 3702  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Marcin Szamotulski
script type
color scheme
This color scheme is provided both light and dark version. I mainly do vim scripting and tex edditting, so these are supported in the best way (at least for now). Initially, it was based on rastafari colorscheme (#vimscript2198), but it looks much different.

You can get a grasp how it looks like:

It provides one command:
to change from night to day sky ;) and vice versa. You can also do that by hands: just set the variable:
let g:blue_sky_style = "light" or "dark"
and reload the colorscheme (this can be done in your vimrc file before ':colorscheme blue_sky' command).

Happy vimming :)
install details
Put it under ~/.vim/colors/ directory (linux) or ($HOME/vimfiles/colors in windows).

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
blue_sky.vim 2 2013-10-05 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski Change light/dark versions with set bg=dark/light and fixes lots of inconsistencies.
blue_sky.vim 1.2 2011-09-14 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski Identifier color in light background fixed.
blue_sky.vim 1.1 2011-09-12 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski Visual color changed.
blue_sky.vim 1 2011-09-11 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski Initial upload.
blue_sky.vim 1 2011-09-11 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski Initial upload
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