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rake.vim : It's like rails.vim without the rails

 script karma  Rating 36/9, Downloaded by 3724  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
With rake.vim, you can use all those parts of rails.vim (vimscript #1567) that you wish you could use on your other Ruby projects on anything with a Rakefile, including :A, :Elib and friends, and of course :Rake.  It's great when paired with `gem open` and `bundle open`.

install details
Requires vimscript #4989.

Extract to ~/.vim, or ~\vimfiles (Windows).  You'll need to regenerate helptags (fill in the install path below)

:helptags ~/.vim/doc

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
rake.zip 2.0 2015-02-03 7.0 Tim Pope Major refactor to use projectionist.vim.
Drop all backwards compatible :R commands.
Provide default dispatch of rspec/ruby -Itest in specs/tests.
Set default compiler options for :make to use rake.
Tab complete for :Make and :Dispatch rake.
Drop support for :Ctags.
rake.zip 1.2 2013-03-25 7.0 Tim Pope Drop :R prefix. :Elib replaces :Rlib and :Tlib replaces :RTlib.  (Old commands still work.).
Better detection of gems.
Use rake binstub if present.
Better 'errorformat'.
Allow custom rake dispatch with :Make.
rake.zip 1.1 2013-01-01 7.0 Tim Pope Better handling of tags.
Only set path in Ruby files.
Add bundler.vim support.
:Rlib defaults to gemspec if found.
Fix detection of netrw buffers.
Handle alternate specs in spec/lib.
rake.zip 1.1 2013-01-01 7.0 Tim Pope Better handling of tags.
Only set path in Ruby files.
Add bundler.vim support.
:Rlib defaults to gemspec if found.
Fix detection of netrw buffers.
Handle alternate specs in spec/lib.
rake.zip 1.0 2011-07-26 7.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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