GetFilePlus : a gf tweak for python webapp developers
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Vim wiki
created by |
Michael Brown |
script type |
utility |
description |
Usage: place plugin/gf.vim in your ~/.vim/plugin directory
GetFilePlus is a simple enhancement on the gf mappings it does the following
1. standard 'find file/path.ext' first as normal gf would.
2. does a 'find ./file/path.ext'. check
This is for when a file path starts with a / (often js and css references).
eg: /js/some_file.js that actually resides in media/js/some_file.js
Note for this to be useful you need to set up your :set path to refer to
the directories you want. (Eg. I have :set path+=media/ in my .vimrc)
3. does a python path check eg.
from django.contrib.admin.views import foobar
would open /yourvirtualenv/lib/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/
Note for this to work you need the python path to set eg in your .vimrc
python import sys;sys.path = sys.path + ['yourvirtualenv/lib/site-packages/']
Also as a bonus There is a command included to make it easier to open python
files from the command line.
:Ppath django.contrib.admin.views<cr>
would open /yourvirtualenv/lib/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/
Note as is the script will send any import errors to screen. If this is the
case then it's just sys.path not configured properly
This script needs vim python support |
install details |
place gf.vim in your plugin directory |
script versions (upload new version)
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