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phrase.vim : gather useful phrase, refer it whenever you want.

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created by
t9 md
script type
** Currently I only tested Linux and Mac OS X environment, so Windows is not supported ***

What is this?
phrase.vim support.

  * gather userful phrase to consolidated file
  * easily open that phrase file
  * view someone's phrase easily
  * search phrases with [unite.vim](https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim) interface.

I mainly use this plugin for gather useful phrase while *reading* source codes.
Then recall that phrase when *writing*.

And intending to share several programming idiom socially.


Create phrase directory.
Copy phrase example file to that directory.

      $ mkdir $HOME/.vim/phrase/$USER
      $ cp example/* $HOME/.vim/phrase/$USER/

Show phrase then enter to jump to that title

      :PhraseEdit pl

Visually select text in buffer then create phrase from that text.


If you have unite.vim
      :Unite phrase<CR>

See [help](https://github.com/t9md/vim-phrase/blob/master/doc/phrase.txt)

Sample phrases
Unite phrase search all phrase under directory in &rtp, means you can manage  
phrase from others with [vundle](https://github.com/gmarik/vundle)  ;
or [vim-pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen).

* [t9md/phrase-t9md](https://github.com/t9md/phrase-t9md)

Latest Version
install details
unzip it to $HOME/.vim/

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-phrase-0.5.zip 0.5 2011-08-20 7.0 t9 md 2011-08-21: v0.5
- update help
- :PhraseList no longer accept argument(for simplicity).
- :PhraseCreate no longer accept argument(for simplicity).
- b:phrase_filetype is renamed as b:phrase_ext.
2011-08-04: v0.4
- add sorter_phrase for unite.
phrase.zip 0.2 2011-03-09 7.2 t9 md 0.2 2011-03-10
- Support multiple languages
- Change configuration variables.
          g:phrase_dir is no longer used.
          Use g:phrase_auther and g:phrase_basedir
          Use g:phrase_ft_tbl to customise filetype extension map and comment
- Eliminate comment string when creating PhraseList.
phrase.zip 0.1.1 2011-03-06 7.0 t9 md fix help's url
ip used for rating:

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