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vim-addon-json-encoding : make Vim read and write JSON objects

 script karma  Rating -1/3, Downloaded by 992  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Marc Weber
script type
I think JSON is the preferred way to make Vim communicate with external tools because it can speak it (almost) natively using eval / string.

string serialization encodes strings using ' instead of \". This the encoding has been rewritten using VImL

true, false, null can't be represented in VimL. Thus they are encoded by unique function values (See code)

This plugin is used by the ensime plugin (and similar code is used by the scion plugin).
In both cases Vim sends small commands and receives completion data or the like.
Because native eval is used for reading JSON data you can't be faster.
install details
You can install this plugin using vim-addon-manager (recommended). It does not have any dependencies.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
initial.zip 0.1 2010-11-10 7.0 Marc Weber Initial upload
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