sjump.vim : Display labels in the sign area and jump to selected label
script karma |
Rating 6/3,
Downloaded by 1124 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Marko Mahnič |
script type |
utility |
description |
When executed the plugin will display labels in the sign area and wait
for the user to enter a label. Then it will jump to the line with the
entered label and hide the labels (by removing the signs).
The plugin is mapped to the sequence gl (Goto Line). The mapping can
be disabled with:
let g:sjump_enable_keymap = 0
To put the mapping on another key:
nmap <F9> :call sjump#JumpToLabel()<cr>
More configuration options are in help (:help sjump).
Requires: +signs
Use :version to see if +signs is enabled. |
install details |
Unpack into vim runtime directory (eg. ~/.vim/).
To generate the help tags open the installed file doc/sjump.txt in Vim and execute
:helptags %:p:h |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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