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swap : Easy swapping of text

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created by
Dimitar Dimitrov
script type
1. Visual mode

    1.1 \x

    First select some text ([] represents the highlighted area). Then press \x

    [a ==   123] [  a == 123 ] [a==123]
           |              |             |
          V            V           V
     123 ==   a     123 == a    123==a

    Note: Your selection can be loose and include white spaces at both ends.

    1.2 \\x

    By default the plugin acts on comparison operators
    You are however allowed to specify any pivot for the swapping.

    First select some text. Then press \\x
    You will be asked to give a pattern (% used here)

    Just testing  %  a percentage as a pivot
    a percentage as a pivot  %  Just testing


    You can also use V, v or ^v to select several lines (v used), then press \x

    a == [123
    user !~ unknown
    123 == a
    unknown !~ user

2. Normal mode

    Swap with WORD on the right \x

    # indicates the cursor position in the examples below.

    zero one      a_longer_word three
    zero a_longer_word      one three

    Swap with WORD on the left  \X

    zero one two       three
    let's have some more fun
      #      |
    zero one two       let's
    three have some more fun

2.1 Repeat

    This plugin integrates with Tim Pope's repeat plugin. It means that you can
    use . to repeat any normal mode (for now) swap mapping you just used!

    For more information see: http://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat

3. Supported comparison operators

    Comparison operators
        ===    !==     <>    ==#    !=#     >#
        >=#     <#    <=#    =~#    !~#    ==?
        !=?     >?    >=?     <?    <=?    =~?
        !~?     ==     !=     >=     =~     <=
        !~      ~=

    Logical operators
         &&     ||

    Assignment operators
         +=     -=     *=     /=     %=     &=
         |=     ^=    <<=    >>=

    Scope operators

    Pointer operators
        ->*     ->     .*

    Bitwise operators
         <<     >>

    Misc operators
         >      <       =      +      -      *
         /      %       &      |      ^      .
         ?      :       ,     '=     '<     '>
         !<     !>

3.1 Custom operators

    You can define your own operators by putting a similar line in your vimrc:

    let g:swap_custom_ops = ['first_operator', 'second_operator', ...]

4. Custom mappings

You have the possibility to define your own custom mappings in your .vimrc:

    vmap <leader>x         <plug>SwapSwapOperands
    vmap <leader><leader>x <plug>SwapSwapOperandsPivot
    nmap <leader>x         <plug>SwapSwapWithR_WORD
    nmap <leader>X         <plug>SwapSwapWithL_WORD

Note: You can replace \x, \\x, \X with whatever you like.
install details
swap.vim -> ~/.vim/plugin
swap.txt   -> ~/.vim/doc

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
swap.zip 3.3 2010-10-06 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov Made the plugin mappings more flexible: you could redefine them in your .vimrc
but you don't have to
swap.zip 3.2 2010-10-06 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov Changed <plug>SwapSwapOperandsPivot to <plug>SwapSwapPivotOperands
because this map name caused <plug>SwapSwapOperands to wait and be very slow!
swap.zip 3.1 2010-10-06 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov - Fixed a bug when selection goes beyond $ (using ve=all for instance)
- Made in sort that / history is kept clean (unchanged) after using swap.vim
swap.zip 3.0 2010-10-05 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov - Added support for more operators (+ custom ones)
- Added partial support for the repeat.vim plugin
- Allowed all mappings to be customized
- Simplified the code
swap.zip 2.1 2010-09-25 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov Changed \<left>x to \X + fixed a bug when trying to swap at BOF or EOF
swap.zip 2.0 2010-09-24 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov Swapping of words works a treat now.
Swapping is stricter now, it is only about swapping:

Ex: a== b was transformed to b == a. In the new version it becomes:
      b== a

Changed the mappings too: \x, \\x and \<left>x are used now.
                                         think of them as of ^w x in Vim.
swap.zip 1.0 2010-09-23 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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