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vim-addon-ocaml : collected ocaml scripts - some completion - annotations

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created by
Marc Weber
script type

This collection includes well known scripts I was pointed to such as ocaml
indentation, annot support as well as omni completion support

I modified the indenting slightly so that the args  ".." and x y are not
indented at all. (Using vim indentation they are indented the same as Printf
which is annoying)

let f x =
  let y = x + 1 in
    "%d + 1 = %d"
    x y

completion details:

All completion is based on .mli files found in all tag files.
If you don't have tags, tell Vim which .mli files to use:

let g:vim_addon_ocaml = { 'provide_additional_mlis': function('name of function returning a list of .mli files') }

a) name completion:
  all .mli files are grepped for the name
  Additionally all let bindings found in current buffer are taken into account

b) type completion:

  con:str           finnds concat : string -> string

  :^int->string$    finds string_of_int

c) var based completion (not that well tested)


  the type of x is looked up by .annot files (you must have created the musing ocamlc or ocamelopt)
  Then b) completion is used using the type of x.
install details
Recommended way of installation: use vim-addon-manager because it depends on a set of other plugins. See http://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager

If you have any trouble don't blame - send me a message instead. Thanks

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-addon-ocaml-initial-upload.zip 0.1 2010-08-15 7.0 Marc Weber Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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