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undofile.vim : persistent undo: enable 'undofile' for certain files only

 script karma  Rating 13/4, Downloaded by 1820  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Andy Wokula
script type
If you want 'undofile' only for certain files, you will notice that 'undofile' cannot be set in a modeline, or once the buffer is loaded (because an existing undo file will not be loaded then).  Bram suggests to use a BufReadPre autocmd which sets 'undofile' before the buffer is loaded.  This script does the steps for you.



  execute :setlocal undofile, install a BufReadPre autocmd for the current file name and also maintain a plugin file "plugin/undofile_autocmds.vim" that enables all such autocmds at next startup of Vim.

  This means you can execute this command once for the current file and then never ever again -- FIRE AND FORGET ;)

  The plugin file (if not found in the runtimepath) is stored in the first directory of the runtimepath (which must contain a "plugin" folder).  Older Vims will ignore the plugin.

  With [!], ignore if 'undofile' is already set.


  opposite of :SetUndoFile.  Does :setlocal noundofile, removes the autcommand and the autcommand entry from "plugin/undofile_autocmds.vim"; finally it executes :DelUndoFile.


  delete the undofile for the current buffer.  Fails silently.

install details
Note: With Vim 7.3.392 or newer, you can set 'undofile' in the modeline!  No need for this script then ... (2012 Jan 28)

requires the persistent_undo feature (since Vim7.3)
:source this script when needed, or drop it in your plugin folder

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
undofile.vim 0.2 2010-08-14 7.0 Andy Wokula forgot the init folklore
undofile.vim 0.1 2010-08-14 7.2 Andy Wokula Initial upload
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