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LaTeX Box : Lightweight Toolbox for LaTeX

 script karma  Rating 204/74, Downloaded by 10482  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
David Munger
script type
This plugin provides:
- Background compilation using latexmk;
- Completion for commands, environments, labels, and bibtex entries;
- A simple table of contents;
- Smart indentation (activated with "set smartindent");
- HIghlight matching \begin/\end pairs;
- Motion between \begin/\end pairs with the % key;
- Motion through brackets/braces (with user-defined keys);
- Environment objects (e.g., select environement with "vie" or "vae");
- Inline math objects (e.g., select inline math with "vi$" or "va$").

See ":help latex-box" for more details.

This plugins aims at being lightweight and simple. For more fully-fledged plugins, see:
- LaTeX-Suite: vimscript#475
- AutomaticTexPlugin: vimscript#2945

install details
Edit the vba file in vim and source it with ":so %".
To use background compilation, try <Leader>ll
To use omni completion, try <CTRL-X><CTRL-O>

Official repository: https://github.com/LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box

Old Project Page: https://launchpad.net/vim-latex-box
Old Bug Tracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/vim-latex-box/
We will migrate the bug reports to github.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
LatexBox.vmb 0.9.5 2011-10-24 7.3 David Munger fixed viewer command
LatexBox.vmb 0.9.5 2011-10-15 7.3 David Munger bug fixes
some support for tcsh
patch to wrap in environment by W. E. Skeith
LatexBox.vba 0.9.4 2011-02-07 7.2 David Munger bug fixes
LatexBox.vba 0.9.3 2010-08-25 7.2 David Munger fix TOC bug for unnumbered sections
LatexBox.vba 0.9.2 2010-08-24 7.2 David Munger fix TOC bug with amsart
LatexBox.vba 0.9.1 2010-08-05 7.0 David Munger Plenty of minor bug fixes.
LatexBox.vba 0.9.0 2010-06-30 7.0 David Munger - add highlight matching pairs
- improve pair matching
LatexBox.vba 0.8.5 2010-06-26 7.0 David Munger Added the indent file that was missing in previous versions. I forgot to add it to the vimball in the previous versions.
LatexBox.vba 0.8.4 2010-06-23 7.0 David Munger - New g:LatexBox_split_width setting
- Add matching for '$' pairs
- Add inline math objects
LatexBox.vba 0.8.3 2010-06-22 7.0 David Munger - Load errors automatically when latexmk exits with nonzero status
- Fixed a stupid bug that would prevent in bibtex completion
LatexBox.vba 0.8.2 2010-06-22 7.0 David Munger - Optimized smart indentation for speed
LatexBox.vba 0.8.1 2010-06-21 7.0 David Munger - Fixed bug in % matching.
- Support for environment objects (e.g., select with "vie" or "vae")
LatexBox.vba 0.8 2010-06-20 7.0 David Munger - Smart indentation
- Navigation through \begin/\end and \left/\right pairs with %
- Change environment, including \[ \]
- Kill all latexmk instances when vim quits
- Speed optimization
- Do not complete closing bracket if already present
- Support \left/\right in close last environment
LatexBox.vba 0.5 2010-06-17 7.0 David Munger minor bug fixes
fixes by Marcin Szamotulski
deprecated templates
new mappings <Plug>CloseLastEnv and <Plug>WrapSelection
LatexBox.vba 0.4 2010-06-15 7.0 David Munger Added :LatexmkStop command to stop latexmk (thanks to Charlie Tanksley for Mac testing).
Bug fix in the TOC by Marcin Szamotulski.
New :LatexmkStatusDetailed command to show process group ID's of running instances of latexmk.
New g:LatexBox_cite_pattern and g:LatexBox_ref_pattern options.
LatexBox.vba 0.3.3 2010-06-10 6.0 David Munger Fixed a bug in \ref completion.
LatexBox.vba 0.3.2 2010-06-09 6.0 David Munger Fixed a bug in brace/bracket motion
LatexBox.vba 0.3.1 2010-06-03 6.0 David Munger Fixed a but in the TOC.
ip used for rating:

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