grsecurity : grsecurity ftplugin to edit policy files and see grsec log messages (dmesg)
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created by |
Marcin Szamotulski |
script type |
ftplugin |
description |
This is a filetype plugin for editing grsecurity poilcy file, here is the short list of features:
* search for a role, moving to a role, moving to previous/next role
* search for a subject in a given role, list all subjects of a role in alphabetical order
* search for an object with given flags (and without some other flags)
* search for subjects with learning mode set
* reload the policy file and authenticate to admin role
* list grsecurity messages via dmesg (from the last time that RBAC system was (re)loaded
You can also find grsecutiry syntax file (it is not included here) among vim scripts. |
install details |
open the vimball file and issue
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