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vim-addon-completion : select and cycle completion function

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created by
Marc Weber
script type
This plugin defines a global list of available completion functions so that you can switch completion functions fast.

If you write a plugin which provides completion functions be kind to your users and use this plugin to never override the choice of a user.

You can register your completion function to a global list optionally specifying a filetype scope such as "xml".

When you start completion using <c-x><c-o> you'll be asked which completion function should be used if there are more than one available. This <c-x><c-o> mapping will set 'omnicomplete' by default.
completefunc will be set to the next completefunc automatically (if it wasn't set by you).

If you jump to a different buffer your last choice will be remembered depending on filetype.

Of course setting a default function can still be annoying. Thus you can just set it in a ftplugin file this way:
CFComplete haxe#CompleteClassName

Of course there are mappings to cycle through completion functions as well

Have a look at this description:
install details
Recommended way of installation:

If you install this plugin manually you also have to get the dependencies listed in the info file manually (tlib)

Enjoy and report bugs, please!

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-addon-completion-0.2.1.zip 0.2.1 2010-08-28 7.0 Marc Weber bug fix: use setlocal instead of set
vim-addon-completion-0.2.zip 0.2 2010-08-15 7.0 Marc Weber adding CamelCase matching implementation (used by vim-dev-plugin and vim-addon-ocaml)
vim-addon-completion.zip 0.1 2010-03-16 7.2 Marc Weber Initial upload
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