tcommand : Select and execute a command or menu item from a list
script karma |
Rating 12/6,
Downloaded by 2001 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Tom Link |
script type |
utility |
description |
Also available via git:
VIM plugins are cool but with time you forget about even useful
commands. This plugin provides a command (|:TCommand|) that lets you
select a command or menu item from a list (you can optionally display
help on the currently hightlighted command) and then run it from the
command line. It thus provides an alternative to the built-in
command-line completion.
install details |
Edit the vba file and type: >
:so %
See :help vimball for details. If you have difficulties or use vim 7.0,
please make sure, you have the current version of vimball
(vimscript #1502) installed or update your runtime.
This script requires tlib (vimscript #1863) to be installed.
Suggested maps (to be set in your |vimrc| file): >
noremap <Leader>: :TCommand<cr>
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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