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vspec : Testing framework for Vim script

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created by
Kana Natsuno
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*vspec* is a Vim library plugin to test Vim script.

- Vim 7.3 or later

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-vspec-1.1.0.zip 1.1.0 2012-10-29 7.0 Kana Natsuno - |:Expect-not|:
  - Show proper messages for failed expectations.
- |vspec-custom-matcher|:
  - Change the naming guideline.
    - Use snake_case instead of camelCase.
    - Add new aliases for predefined custom matcheres.
    - Old aliases are still supported, but deprecated.
  - Support custom failure message.
    - See |vspec#customize_matcher()| for the details.
    - It was not possible to show meaningful messages for failed expectations using custom mathcers with old versions.
    - Change the syntax to register new matcher.
    - Old syntax is still supported, but deprecated.
  - Fix to properly support custom matchers with 2 or more arguments.
vim-vspec-1.0.2.zip 1.0.2 2012-02-12 7.0 Kana Natsuno - |bin/vspec|:
  - Remove user's |after-directory| from 'runtimepath' to avoid unexpected interference to run tests.
  - Remove the output adjustment for the current directory.
- |:Expect|: Fix to parse expressions including '"' and '|' correctly.
- Add missing syntax highlighting for |:SKIP| and |:TODO|.
vim-vspec-1.0.0.zip 1.0.0 2012-01-30 7.0 Kana Natsuno - Completely rewritten.  No compatibility with old versions.
  - Output format is changed to Test Anything Protocol version 12.
  - The style to write examples is changed.  See also |vspec-examples| for the details.
  - Change the order of arguments to |bin/vspec|.
  - Change the syntax for |vspec-custom-matcher| to be extensible and readable.
  - Add |:Expect-not| for counter examples.
  - Add |:TODO| for incomplete examples.
  - Add |:SKIP| for environment-specific examples.
  - Add |:before| blocks and |:after| blocks.
vim-vspec-0.0.4.zip 0.0.4 2010-04-04 7.0 Kana Natsuno - Add additional syntax file for |vspec-commands|.
- |:Should|: Provide expression completion for convenience.
- Improve minor stuffs.
vim-vspec-0.0.3.zip 0.0.3 2010-03-12 7.0 Kana Natsuno Initial upload
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