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delete-surround-html : for deleting surrounding html/django tags

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created by
Michael Brown
script type
Repo: http://github.com/mjbrownie/delete-surround-html
Example vid (includes other plugins): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbV-OrFMalU


For Deleting Surrounding html  and django tags

This plugin is inspired by Tim Popes surround.vim delete-surround-tag 'dst'
mapping. It will let you delete the surrounding tag of a specified type
rather than just the immediate tag.

on html filetypes this will add two normal mappings in your vimrc

'dsh' (delete-surround-html)
delete - surround - html - (u)l / (l)i / (d)iv / (s)pan / (f)orm / (t)able / t(r) / (c)td / (p):

'dsd' (delete-surround-django) will give you the options
delete - surround - django - (b)lock / (c)omment / (i)f* / (w)ith / (f)or :

simple example here

{% comment%}
{% block foo %}
<div id="bar">
        <li>'dsdc' here will remove the comment</li>
        <li>'dsdb' here will remove the block</li>
        <li>'dshd' here will remove the div</li>
        <li>'dshu' here will remove the ul</li>
        <li>'dshl' here will remove the li</li>
{% endblock %}
{% endcomment %}

This scripts mnemonics are intended to compliment these two scripts

django-textobjects  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2999
html-advanced-textobjects http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3000

Also if you want the reverse, ie. to surround a visual selection with django tags

you can also use http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1697 with the following mappings

let g:surround_{char2nr("b")} = "{% block\1 \r..*\r &\1%}\n\r\n{% endblock %}\n"
let g:surround_{char2nr("i")} = "{% if\1 \r..*\r &\1%}\n\r\n{% endif %}\n"
let g:surround_{char2nr("w")} = "{% with\1 \r..*\r &\1%}\n\r\n{% endwith %}\n"
let g:surround_{char2nr("c")} = "{% comment\1 \r..*\r &\1%}\n\r\n{% endcomment %}\n"
let g:surround_{char2nr("f")} = "{% for\1 \r..*\r &\1%}\n\r\n{% endfor %}\n"

then go v...sb.. etc
install details
File needs to be

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
mjbrownie-delete-surround-html-2ec2f80.zip 0.1.0 2010-03-11 6.0 Michael Brown Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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