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SaveSigns : Save and Restore your Signs

 script karma  Rating 1/1, Downloaded by 1589  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Christian Brabandt
script type
This plugin was written to allow you to save your |signs| easily. Signs can be
used to specific highlight certains rows in a buffer. This might be useful
when using a debugger or display a |mark|. Note however, that this works only
when the signs feature has been compiled into your vim.

If you have defined signs in your file, you might want to save these signs to
be able to reload these signs later on (e.g. with a |Session|). Therefore this
plugin defines the |:SaveSigns| command, which will store all defined signs in
a file in such a way that reloading that file will restore all defined signs.

When saving Signs, the plugin creates a Vim Script, that can be read in using
|:source| It will save Sign Definitions (see |:sign-define|), Sign placements
(see |:sign-place|) and the Sign hilighting (see |hl-SignColumn|).

Since signs are usually associated with a buffer or a file, sourcing this file
using |:source| will only restore those signs whose buffers are loaded in that
vim session. Note: All Signs that were defined before reloading this file will
be lost.

2.1 :SaveSigns *:SaveSigns*

:SaveSigns Store all currently defined signs in a temporary file.
This file will be opened in a new split window and you
can edit it further. Note: This file won't be saved.
You need to explicitly save it.

:SaveSigns[!] {name} Store all currently defined signs in a file called
{name}. If this file exists, it won't be used a new
temporary file will be created. Use ! to force storing
the info in that file. This will however erase the
file {name}. So use with caution.

Keywords: Signs, Save, Restore
install details
Load file in your vim and simply source it from within vim.
:so %

This should install the plugin. For the documentation take a look at :h savesigns.txt

See :h vimball-intro for details on installing vimball plugins.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
savesigns-0.4.vmb 4 2013-02-16 7.3 Christian Brabandt - use the blackhole register for deleting the buffer content
- install target did not work
- Deleted spell modeline
(automatically uploaded)
SaveSigns.vba 0.3 2010-02-25 6.0 Christian Brabandt Enabled GLVS (see :h GLVS)
SaveSigns.vba 0.2 2010-02-25 6.0 Christian Brabandt Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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