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phpErrorMarker : Mark syntax errors in php file

 script karma  Rating 18/8, Downloaded by 3240  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Frederic Hardy
script type
phpErrorMarker set makeprg et errroformat automaticaly for php file.
A call to :make launch php syntax checking and set sign (:h sign for more informations) if there are any errors in file.
Some variables may be interesting :
g:phpErrorMarker#autowrite : if true, file will be automaticaly write before syntax checking, default is "0".
g:phpErrorMarker#php : path to php binary, default is "php".
g:phpErrorMarker#textError : sign used for error, default is "><".
g:phpErrorMarker#textWarning : sign used for warning, default is "--".
g:phpErrorMarker#automake : if true, make is automaticaly done after a write command like ":w", default is "0".
g:phpErrorMarker#openQuickfix : if true, quickfix window will be automaticaly opened after ":make".
g:phpErrorMarker#filter: if not empty, define the filter utility to clean PHP output.
Set these variables in your .vimrc to override default values, like that :

let g:phpErrorMarker#autowrite = 1

Please, report any bug to phpErrorMarker.vim[..at..]mageekbox.net.
install details
Download vimball, open it with vim, and do :so %.
Create or open a php file, and do :make.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
phpErrorMarker.vmb 0.0.7 2016-07-28 7.0 Frederic Hardy Add filtering support to clean `php -l ` output.
For example, do `let g:phpErrorMarker#filter="grep -v '^^M$'" to remove lines which contains only "\r".
Add phpErrorMarker#configure() to reconfigure phpErrorMarker if one of its global variables was updated.
phpErrorMarker.vmb 0.0.6 2012-12-21 7.0 Frederic Hardy Improve errorformat to match more precisely PHP parse error message.
phpErrorMarker.vmb 0.0.5 2012-12-18 6.0 Frederic Hardy Autocommand about quickfix window are now called only when :make is used.
phpErrorMarker.vba 0.0.4 2009-10-06 6.0 Frederic Hardy Add a call to <C-L> after autowrite to remove a screen bug in vim.
phpErrorMarker.vba 0.0.3 2009-09-28 6.0 Frederic Hardy Remove bugs.
phpErrorMarker.vba 0.0.2 2009-09-25 6.0 Frederic Hardy Add GLVS.
Add g:phpErrorMarker#openQuickfix variable, default is "1".
phpErrorMarker.vba 0.0.1 2009-09-25 6.0 Frederic Hardy Initial upload
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