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cmdline-increment.vim : increment, decrement commandline number.

 script karma  Rating 9/3, Downloaded by 1139  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
omi taku
script type
Increment last appearing number in commandline-mode command with Control-a ,
and decrement with Control-x .

    <C-a> increment commandline last appearing number.
    <C-x> decrement commandline last appearing number.


1.  Enter commandline mode.
2.  Enter next command.

    :edit workfile_1.txt

3.  And Press Control-a , or press Control-x .

[Customized Mapping]

If you will customize increment, decrement mapping,
add put these code to your vimrc .

    " (for example)
    " increment with Shift-Up
    cmap <S-Up> <Plug>IncrementCommandLineNumber
    " decrement with Shift-Down
    cmap <S-Down> <Plug>DecrementCommandLineNumber
install details
copy cmdline-increment.vim to your plugin directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
cmdline-increment.vim 0.2 2009-09-18 7.0 omi taku - plugin is now not using 'l' register.
- below 0 number decrement is newly not supported.
  minial value is 0.
- default mapping is switched to <c-a>, <c-x>.
- custom mapping is supported.
cmdline-increment.vim 0.1 2009-09-17 7.2 omi taku Initial upload
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