Django helper utils : Url tag jump, template path import and html client dump
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created by |
Michael Brown |
script type |
utility |
description |
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#note. This is only tested on linux with python support. in my ~/.bashrc I have the following line which allows django modules to be imported
Resolve a url to a tag
for a given django url path
'/some/url/path', 'some.django.view.function_name'
:DUrlTag /some/relative/path/
will resolve the path to the function and then call
:tag function_name
You need to have an up to date tags file and the command might choke on
complicated views with lots of decorators etc.
:DClient /some/relative/path/
will dump the html in a scratch window split
if is in the root of the path this script will :set path+= all template directories including INSTALLED_APPS,
so you can 'gf' to template files |
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