python tag import : guesses the import path of a python tag
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created by |
Michael Brown |
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ftplugin |
description |
(Note this plugin is superceded by rope.vim).
repo: bugs/suggestions welcome
visual example here
This is for when you remember the name of a library function/class but not the module.path it is under
Eg. on a new line type. (control-b in insert mode is the default key but can be changed. see below)
to get complete import options eg
from import funcname
import as module
In normal mode <leader>i will create an import for the current word
You can customise the import statements to your style preferences in your .vimrc eg
let g:pythontagimport_from = 0
turns off
from import funcname
let g:pythontagimport_from_mod = 0
turns off
from import module #module.funcname
let g:pythontagimport_as = 0
turns off
import as module #module.funcname
let g:pythontagimport_full = 0
turns off
" Usage:
" You need a ctags file with the --fields=+i
" option set
" on a new line type the function you want to import
" then hit the complete key
" eg. type on a line
" some_func
" hit <c-b>in insert mode and get
" from import some_func
" hotkey:
" insert mode map.
" <c-b> is the current default.
" variables:
" g:pythontagimportkey
" the key used to complete function
" parameters and key words.
" This plugin is only as smart as your tags file.
" Completion is created through inspecting the filename
" in the tags file so functions that are rereferenced will not be
" picked up. I put this out there in the hope someone can do
" some fancy introspective alternative.
" Setting the path can keep options relevant. At tht moment
" it defaults to sys.path. It can come up with some bad guesses
" Eg.
" let g:python_path = ['/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/']
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