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qtmplsel.vim : quick template selector with expression expansion

 script karma  Rating 3/3, Downloaded by 3169  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Takahiro SUZUKI
script type
This plugin enables you to select a template on creating a new file.
Templates are typically placed in ~/.vim/template .
On creating a file, corresponding templates, if any, are listed up. You
can select one of them by k(up)/j(down). Press Enter to load the selected
template, or press 'q' to load no templates.
You can cancel the insertion of selected template by pressing 'u'(undo).

There is an optional global varialbe:
  g:qts_templatedir : specifies the template dir
                      (default: ~/.vim/template)

Template search rules:
  1) by filetype
    filetype=python -> ~/.vim/template/python_*
  2) by suffix
    *.cpp           -> ~/.vim/template/*.cpp
  3) by filename
    Makefile        -> ~/.vim/template/Makefile_*

Note that especially in case 3, 'Makefile_' is a legal template name
but 'Makefile' is not even if you have no other template file.

New in 1.1.0 - expression expansion:
  String surrounded by '@{@' '@}@' in the template file is regarded as a vim
  expression, and will be eval()ed on loading.
    @{@expand('%:t')@}@          ->  newfile.py
    @{@strftime('%Y-%m-%d')@}@   ->  2009-08-30
install details
Place this file in /usr/share/vim/vim*/plugin or ~/.vim/plugin/

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
qtmplsel.vim 1.1.2 2012-06-10 7.3 Takahiro SUZUKI bug fix, show the template list immediately.
qtmplsel.vim 1.1.1 2010-01-10 7.0 Takahiro SUZUKI up and down arrow keys as well as j/k, quit on <Esc>
qtmplsel.vim 1.1.0 2009-09-07 7.0 Takahiro SUZUKI expression expansion (@{@vim-expression@}@)
qtmplsel.vim 1.0.0 2009-08-29 7.0 Takahiro SUZUKI Initial upload
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