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color-chooser.vim : a graphical RGB/HSV color selector

 script karma  Rating 8/2, Downloaded by 1045  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Petr Mejzlík
script type
This plugin allows you to insert and edit colors using a graphical color selection window. It makes #rrggbb hex color codes; as input it detects both #rrggbb hexcodes and X11 color names.

The script supports three language locales: English, Spanish, Czech.
install details
The script requires Python version>=2.5 with PyGTK module and GTK to run. It works best with gVim (on xterm Vim there is a bug: the window does not close after the color is selected -- it is usable but awkward).

how to install:
Copy the file color-chooser.vim to your plugin directory ("~/.vim/plugin"). For the change to take effect, either restart Vim or source the script manually by the command
:so ~/.vim/plugin/color-chooser.vim

If you want to install the script for all users, copy it to the main plugin directory of Vim - usually "/usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/plugin".

After installation, the color selection window is launched by
:call ColorChooser()
Map it to a key, such as <F2>, this way:
:map <F2> :call ColorChooser()<enter>
The map command is commented in the script file, you can simply uncomment it.

Several options can be set by editing the "script configuration" section in the file -- they are described there.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
color-chooser.vim 1.0 2009-08-23 7.0 Petr Mejzlík Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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