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translit_converter : convert transliterated text (russian)

 script karma  Rating 5/2, Downloaded by 1359  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Vlad Irnov
script type
This plugin creates commands for converting from and to Russian translit using utf-8 encoding. For example, to write "Чебурашка", write "Cheburashka" or "CHeburashka", select the word and execute command ":Torus v" .

Similar plugins:

This plugin creates two commands: Torussian and Fromrussian.

:[range]Torussian [v]
    convert from translit (latin alphabet) to Russian (utf-8)

:[range]Fromrussian [v]
    convert from Russian (utf-8) to translit

These can be used as follows (commands can be abbreviated):

    Convert current line.

    Convert lines in Visual range. Any other range can be specified, for example :%Torus will convert entire buffer.

:Torus v
:'<,'>Torus v
    Convert text in Visual area. If a range is specified, it is ignored.

If you don't like my transliteration version, edit s:table_ru.

It is easy to add converters for other alphabets. First, create conversion table:
    let s:table_greek = [ ..... ]

And then add new commands:
    com! -range -nargs=? Togreek   call s:Translit_Converter(<line1>,<line2>, 'table_greek', 0,1, <q-args>)
    com! -range -nargs=? Fromgreek call s:Translit_Converter(<line1>,<line2>, 'table_greek', 1,0, <q-args>)
install details
Source the script or put it in your local plugin folder:
~/.vim/plugin/  or  $HOME\vimfiles\plugin\

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
translit_converter.vim 1.1 2009-12-24 7.0 Vlad Irnov fixed error in setting 'cpoptions'
translit_converter.vim 1.01 2009-08-14 7.0 Vlad Irnov made some variables script-local
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