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HtmlHelper : Html macros and mappings

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created by
Dimitar Dimitrov
script type
" Html macros and mappings for:
" ------------------------------------------
"    *  Closing        an opening tag
"    *  Wrapping     text with tags
"    *  Increasing    the weight of header tags (<h1>...)
"    *  Formatting    text inside a pair of tags
"    *  Rearranging  <tag> content </tag> vertically
"    *  Stripping       outer tags
"    *  'Spacing'       vertically the content of a pair of tags
" 1. Close an opening tag
" -----------------------
"     >> : <tag> newline </tag> (write quickly a second > after the first one)
"     >/ : <tag>         </tag>
"     <? : <?php             ?>
" 2. Wrapping:
" ------------
"         +-----------+-------------------+
"         | paragraph | WORD or selection |
" +-------+-----------+-------------------+
" | <ul>  |    @u     |        \u         |
" | <ol>  |    @o     |        \o         |
" | <p>   |    @p     |        \p         |
" | <div> |    @d     |        \d         |
" +-------+-----------+-------------------+
" Note: \u and \o work on fully selected lines only
" Note: mnemo for paragraphs and lines: wrap @ll
" Note: You can use a count with the \ mappings
"              +------+-------------------+
"              | line | WORD or selection |
" +------------+------+-------------------+
" | <td>       |  @t  |        \t         |
" | <a>        |  @a  |        \a         |
" | <span>     |  @s  |        \s         |
" | <h1>       |  @h  |        \h         |
" | <li>       |  @l  |        \l         |
" | <!-- -->   |  @c  |        \c         |
" | <em>       |  @e  |        \e         |
" | <strong>   |  @b  |        \b         |
" +------------+------+-------------------+
" 3. Insert an image
" ------------------
"     @i (<img src='X' alt='' title='' />)
" 4. Set the class of a tag
" -------------------------
"     :Class ul         -> <ul>                 (default)
"     :Class ul bg_blue -> <ul class='bg_blue'>
" Note: Try using :C or :Cl or... instead of :Class. Depending on the
"       installed plugins, a shorter or longer abbreviation might work.
" Shortcuts: (:C shortcut)
"     d,   s,    u,  o,  h,  l,  t,  i,   e,  b
"     div, span, ul, ol, h1, li, td, img, em, strong
" Note: If you don't want to write a tag manually, you can use <tab>
"       after :Class to autocomplete your tag.
"       (put a space after :Class before hitting <tab>)
" 5. <hn -> <hn+1 (Use after a @h or \h)
" --------------------------------------
"     @j (mnemo: j is just besides h on the keyboard)
" 6. gq inside a pair of tags
" ---------------------------
"     @g for standard tags
"     \g for <!-- --> or <?php ?>
" 7. Rearrange <tag> content </tag> vertically
" --------------------------------------------
"     @r for standard tags
"     \r for <!-- --> or <?php ?>
" 8. Strip outer tags
" -------------------
"     @x for standard tags
"     \x for <!-- --> or <?php ?>
" 9. 'Space' vertically the content of a pair of tags
" ---------------------------------------------------
"     @m for standard tags        (mnemo:
"     \m for <!-- --> or <?php ?>
" A detailed help is in the comments of the file itself!
install details
HtmlHelper - Install in:

       ln -s ~/.vim/ftplugin/html.vim phtml.vim
       ln -s ~/.vim/ftplugin/html.vim xml.vim

Tabular.vim: (http://github.com/godlygeek/tabular/tree/master)

             ~/.vim/after/plugin/myTabularMaps.vim (to be created, see above)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
html.vim 2.2 2010-09-13 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov Some minor changes
html.vim.tar.gz 2.1 2009-09-27 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov @e will now correctly use the class set with :C em ...
html.vim 2.0 2009-09-27 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov Changes:

    @i -> <img> instead if <i> (not valid XHTML 1.1 strict)
    @b -> <strong> instead of <b> (not valid XHTML 1.1 strict)
    @e -> <em>

    :Class can be invoked with these shortcuts now:

    d,   s,    u,  o,  h,  l,  t,  i,   e,  b
    div, span, ul, ol, h1, li, td, img, em, strong

    Pointed out a limitation:

    7@p won't work if one of the paragraphs starts with a one letter word
    (ex: I). Same for <> 7 or another macro or on words.


    <fieldset> |  @f
    <kbd>      |  @k
    <noscript> |  @n
    <var>      |  @v

    <meta>     -> @m
html.vim.tar.gz 1.0 2009-06-07 7.0 Dimitar Dimitrov Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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