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neocomplcache : Ultimate auto completion system for Vim

 script karma  Rating 1362/392, Downloaded by 36599  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Shougo Matsushita
script type
The latest version is in github.

Screen shots:
Original filename completion.
Omni completion.
Completion with vimshell(http://github.com/Shougo/vimshell).
Vim completion.

Setting examples:
" Disable AutoComplPop.
let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 0
" Use neocomplcache.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1
" Use smartcase.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case = 1
" Use camel case completion.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion = 1
" Use underbar completion.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_underbar_completion = 1
" Set minimum syntax keyword length.
let g:neocomplcache_min_syntax_length = 3
let g:neocomplcache_lock_buffer_name_pattern = '\*ku\*'

" Define dictionary.
let g:neocomplcache_dictionary_filetype_lists = {
    \ 'default' : '',
    \ 'vimshell' : $HOME.'/.vimshell_hist',
    \ 'scheme' : $HOME.'/.gosh_completions'
    \ }

" Define keyword.
if !exists('g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns')
    let g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns = {}
let g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns['default'] = '\h\w*'

" Plugin key-mappings.
inoremap <expr><C-g>     neocomplcache#undo_completion()
inoremap <expr><C-l>     neocomplcache#complete_common_string()

" Recommended key-mappings.
" <CR>: close popup and save indent.
inoremap <expr><CR>  neocomplcache#smart_close_popup() . "\<CR>"
" <TAB>: completion.
inoremap <expr><TAB>  pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"
" <C-h>, <BS>: close popup and delete backword char.
inoremap <expr><C-h> neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
inoremap <expr><BS> neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
inoremap <expr><C-y>  neocomplcache#close_popup()
inoremap <expr><C-e>  neocomplcache#cancel_popup()

" AutoComplPop like behavior.
"let g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_select = 1

" Shell like behavior(not recommended).
"set completeopt+=longest
"let g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_select = 1
"let g:neocomplcache_disable_auto_complete = 1
"inoremap <expr><TAB>  pumvisible() ? "\<Down>" : "\<TAB>"
"inoremap <expr><CR>  neocomplcache#smart_close_popup() . "\<CR>"
install details
1: Extract .zip file and install to your $VIMRUNTIME.
2: Execute :NeoComplCacheEnable command or
let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1
in your .vimrc.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
neocomplcache-8.0.zip 8.0 2013-05-11 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added :NeoComplCacheClean command.
- Added sorter_length.
- Changed default rank in omni_complete.
- Changed filename_complete behavior.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_close_preview default value.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_temporary_dir default value.
- Deleted abbrev_complete source.
- Deleted debug message.
- Disabled restore of foldinfo.
- Fixed completion error in vim_complete.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_same_filetype_lists error.
- Fixed initialization problem using neocomplcache#initialize().
- Fixed neocomplcache initialization.
- Fixed refresh behavior.
- Fixed search patterns behavior.
- Improved cache behavior.
- Improved compare_rank.
- Improved complete words behavior.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved rank behavior.
- Improved remove next keyword behavior.
- Improved restore of window position.
- Improved save foldinfo feature.
- Optimised memory.
- Supported string cache.
neocomplcache-7.2.zip 7.2 2013-03-02 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added / delimiter for filename_complete.
- Added FAQ section.
- Added b:neocomplcache_sources_list.
- Added default include files in include_file.
- Added filename_include source.
- Added g:neocomplcache_disabled_sources_list option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_close_preview.
- Added g:neocomplcache_force_omni_patterns variable.
- Added g:neocomplcache_skip_auto_completion_time option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_sources_list option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_wildcard_characters option.
- Added less support.
- Added neocomplcache#compare_human compare function.
- Added neocomplcache#disable_default_dictionary().
- Added neocomplcache#get_context_filetype_range().
- Added neocomplcache#initialize().
- Added neocomplcache#is_enabled_source().
- Added neocomplcache__convertable attribute.
- Added skip message in skip completion.
- Added todo section.
- Changed check_source() behavior in buffer_complete.
- Changed default cache lines in nofile buffer.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_enable_underbar_completion and
- Changed g:neocomplcache_same_filetype_lists initialization.
- Changed neocomplcache#get_context_filetype_range() behavior.
- Changed underbar completion and camel case completion behaviors.
- Check source is enabled in include_complete.
- Convert to full path in dictionary_complete.
- Deleted :NeoComplCacheSaveCache command.
- Deleted <Plug>(neocomplcache_start_unite_snippet) mapping.
- Deleted keyword_complete source.
- Deleted neocomplcache#prev_word().
- Deleted omni_complete wildcard support.
- Deleted save cache behavior.
- Disabled vim include functions.
- Don't delete longest completeopt.
- Fixed "skipped" behavior.
- Fixed :NeoComplCacheAutoCompletionLength documentation.
- Fixed autocmd initialization.
- Fixed buffer cache.
- Fixed caching behavior.
- Fixed check force_omni_patterns.
- Fixed complete variables in vim_complete.
- Fixed complete_common_string.
- Fixed completefunc return value.
- Fixed completion problem in InsertCharPre.
- Fixed context filetype range.
- Fixed cur_text problem.
- Fixed delimiter.
- Fixed documentation for neosnippet.
- Fixed error in neocomplcache#initialize().
- Fixed error in vim_complete.
- Fixed foldmethod problem.
- Fixed for camel case completion.
- Fixed for check sources.
- Fixed for eskk integration problem.
- Fixed for eskk.
- Fixed for foldmethod.
- Fixed for formatoptions.
- Fixed for malloc in include_complete.
- Fixed for prefetch check.
- Fixed for prefetch.
- Fixed for textwidth.
- Fixed force omni patterns.
- Fixed force omnifunc problem.
- Fixed include pattern.
- Fixed include_complete error.
- Fixed include_complete initialization.
- Fixed initialization.
- Fixed keyword escape error.
- Fixed member_complete error.
- Fixed neocomplcache enabled check.
- Fixed neocomplcache#complete_common_string().
- Fixed omni_complete error.
- Fixed opening folds' bug.
- Fixed python default include paths.
- Fixed skip auto completion behavior.
- Fixed skip behavior.
- Fixed source initialization for lazy loading.
- Fixed start omni complete.
- Fixed toggle lock.
- Fixed underbar completion and camel case completion.
- Fixed undo completion behavior.
- Fixed vim_complete behavior.
- Fixed vim_complete error.
- Implemented refresh automatically.
- Improved :NeoComplCacheCachingBuffer behavior.
- Improved <Plug>(neocomplcache_start_auto_complete).
- Improved C# support.
- Improved FAQ section.
- Improved auto completion.
- Improved check of omnifunc.
- Improved commands definitions.
- Improved completeopt behavior.
- Improved completion_length.
- Improved context filetype initialization.
- Improved default pattern behavior.
- Improved default sort behavior.
- Improved delimiter patterns behavior.
- Improved detect paste behavior.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved filename delimiter behavior.
- Improved filename pattern in filename_complete.
- Improved filename pattern.
- Improved for caching buffer.
- Improved for foldmethod.
- Improved for wildcard.
- Improved fuzzy search behavior.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_same_filetype_lists.
- Improved initialization timing.
- Improved initialization.
- Improved keymappings.
- Improved lock behavior.
- Improved lock sources behavior.
- Improved making cache behavior(testing).
- Improved manual complete.
- Improved member completion.
- Improved neocomplcache initialization.
- Improved neocomplcache#check_invalid_omnifunc().
- Improved neocomplcache#sources#buffer_complete#caching_current_line().
- Improved neocomplcache#sources#include_complete#get_include_files()
- Improved recache behavior.
- Improved save foldinfo behavior.
- Improved search base path.
- Improved set dictionary helper.
- Improved skip auto completion.
- Improved skip complete behavior.
- Improved skip completion behavior.
- Improved skip next complete behavior.
- Improved source initialization.
- Improved sudo check.
- Improved text mode.
- Improved unpack behavior.
- Improved vim_complete.
- Open folds in InsertEnter.
- Optimised fuzzy completion.
- Optimised match filter.
- Optimised vim_complete.
- Refactored script variables.
- Refactored skip next completion feature.
- Save foldmethod automatically.
- Skip omni_complete in string literal.
- Supported 7.3.768.
- Supported require_relative in filename_complete.
- Supported sass omni completion.
- Supported scss.
- Updated vital.
- Use fnameescape().
- Use partial match in <Plug>(neocomplcache_start_unite_complete).
neocomplcache-7.1.zip 7.1 2012-09-01 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added :NeoComplCacheSetFileType command.
- Added FAQ.
- Added _ omnifunc.
- Added g:neocomplcache_tags_caching_limit_file_size variable.
- Added g:neocomplcache_use_vimproc option.
- Added neocomplcache#complete_check().
- Added word order function.
- Change g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch default value.
- Changed filename_complete default rank.
- Deleted completefunc_complete source.
- Fixed for css omni_complete.
- Fixed for fuzzyfinder.
- Fixed for g:neocomplcache_enable_insert_char_pre.
- Fixed for tags_complete.
- Fixed for vimshell.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_disable_auto_complete problem.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch initialization.
- Fixed include filename completion.
- Fixed neocomplcache#complete_common_string().
- Fixed neocomplcache#is_plugin_locked() error.
- Fixed omni patterns for c and cpp.
- Fixed omni_complete error.
- Fixed skip filename patterns.
- Fixed tags_complete problem.
- Fixed warning mappings.
- Ignore document tags in tags_complete.
- Refactored cache.vim.
- Set refresh always.
- Silent mapping.
- Supported Vim 7.3.519 feature.
- Supported python3.
- Supported wildcard import in include_complete.
- Updated examples.
- Updated features dict.
- Updated vital.
neocomplcache-7.0.zip 7.0 2012-05-04 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added :NeoComplCacheLockSource and :NeoComplCacheUnLockSource commands.
- Added g:neocomplcache_enable_insert_char_pre option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_fuzzy_completion_start_length option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_lock_iminsert option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_release_cache_time option.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch default value.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_manual_completion_start_length default value.
- Check device file in filename_complete.
- Deleted Japanese documentation.
- Deleted local var_dictionary completion in vim_complete.
- Deleted snippet source.
- Deleted vimshell omni fuction pattern.
- Do not set refresh key.
- Enabled beep.
- Fixed Vim search.
- Fixed abbr error in vim_complete source.
- Fixed asynchronous load.
- Fixed asyncronous cache bug.
- Fixed bell problem.
- Fixed buffer_complete cache problem.
- Fixed caching.
- Fixed changed buffer problem.
- Fixed command definition.
- Fixed completion bug.
- Fixed cur_text bug.
- Fixed cur_text check.
- Fixed documentaion.
- Fixed expand().
- Fixed feedkeys() problem.
- Fixed filename escape.
- Fixed filename_complete behavior.
- Fixed filetype error in dictionary_complete source.
- Fixed for g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch default value.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_enable_cursor_hold_i behavior.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_enable_fuzzy_completion documentaion.
- Fixed get_cur_text().
- Fixed make cache bug.
- Fixed on_insert_enter().
- Fixed save cache error.
- Fixed temporary directory initialization.
- Fixed vb keyword pattern.
- Fixed vim keyword pattern.
- Implemented release cache in include_complete.
- Improved :NeoComplCacheToggle behavior.
- Improved Vim version check.
- Improved asyncronous caching behavior.
- Improved asyncronous caching check timing.
- Improved auto caching.
- Improved buffer_complete behavior.
- Improved buffer_complete.
- Improved cache behavior.
- Improved cache event.
- Improved completion source.
- Improved context filetype.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved escape filename.
- Improved filename escape.
- Improved filename pattern.
- Improved filter behavior.
- Improved fuzzy completion behavior.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_cursor_hold_i_time behavior.
- Improved helper function.
- Improved include_complete.
- Improved make cache behavior.
- Improved member_complete behavior.
- Improved omni_complete behavior.
- Improved omnifunc error detection.
- Improved snippets_complete changes description.
- Improved sudo check.
- Improved temporary directory behavior.
- Improved version check.
- Refactored is_windows.
- Renamed g:neocomplcache_filetype_include_lists as g:neocomplcache_context_filetype_lists.
- Renamed g:neocomplcache_plugin_completion_length as g:neocomplcache_source_completion_length.
- Renamed g:neocomplcache_plugin_disable as g:neocomplcache_source_disable.
- Renamed g:neocomplcache_plugin_rank as g:neocomplcache_source_rank.
- Revised documentation.
- Splited snippets_complete.
- Supported Ctrl-x mode fix.
- Updated examples.
- Updated vital.
- Warning if using obsolute mappings.
neocomplcache-6.2.zip 6.2 2012-02-02 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added <Nop> in vim_complete.
- Added <Plug>(neocomplcache_start_unite_quick_match) mapping.
- Added C++11 snippets.
- Added documentation.
- Added g:neocomplcache_compare_function option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_enable_fuzzy_completion option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_filename_include_exprs option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_filename_include_exts option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_include_functions option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_member_patterns option.
- Added member_complete source.
- Added neocomplcache print debug message.
- Added neocomplcache#sources#include_complete#get_current_include_files().
- Added neocomplcache#start_manual_complete().
- Added neocomplcache#util#get_last_status() function.
- Added tcl support.
- Added vim snippet.
- Applied omni_complete patch(experimental).
- Changed default plugins rank.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch behavior default value.
- Changed syntax highlight name.
- Check if "vim" command is executable.
- Deleted g:neocomplcache_disable_auto_select_buffer_name_pattern option.
- Deleted g:neocomplcache_force_caching_buffer_name_pattern option.
- Deleted obsolute features.
- Deleted obsolute learning.
- Deleted quick match feature.
- Detect sudo vim.
- Disabled refresh by resolved repeat-register problem.
- Fixed Japanese documentation.
- Fixed Vim keyword pattern.
- Fixed auto complete behavior.
- Fixed auto complete flicker.
- Fixed auto select.
- Fixed autocmd args error.
- Fixed buffer_complete bug.
- Fixed conceal syntax.
- Fixed css omni completion pattern.
- Fixed cur_keyword_pos problem.
- Fixed d snippets.
- Fixed detect completefunc.
- Fixed dictionary_complete behavior.
- Fixed examples.
- Fixed expand snippet.
- Fixed expand() problem.
- Fixed feedkeys().
- Fixed file_include source.
- Fixed filename complete escape.
- Fixed filename include complete.
- Fixed filename_complete.
- Fixed filter.
- Fixed finalize error.
- Fixed for IM Problem.
- Fixed for Vim 7.2.
- Fixed for Vim 7.3.319.
- Fixed for eskk.
- Fixed for g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_select.
- Fixed for gdefault option.
- Fixed for refresh always problem(experimental).
- Fixed for rubycomplete.vim.
- Fixed fuzzy completion error.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch behavior.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_text_mode_filetypes default value.
- Fixed get member list error.
- Fixed icase in text mode.
- Fixed include_complete error.
- Fixed member completion.
- Fixed member_complete.
- Fixed modifiable error.
- Fixed neocomplcache#get_complete_results_pos().
- Fixed neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#get_snippets().
- Fixed omni_complete preview window.
- Fixed overwrite manual complete.
- Fixed path separator error.
- Fixed php snippet.
- Fixed prefetch problem.
- Fixed prefetch.
- Fixed remove_next_keyword.
- Fixed restore completefunc problem.
- Fixed restore function.
- Fixed ruby omni complete default pattern.
- Fixed s:cur_keyword_str.
- Fixed setline() problem.
- Fixed snippet description.
- Fixed tex snippets.
- Fixed text mode.
- Fixed unite source.
- Fixed updatetime problem.
- Fixed variables initialize.
- Fixed vim keyword pattern.
- Fixed warning.
- Force use glob().
- Improved a bit.
- Improved async from tags.
- Improved c snippet.
- Improved cache check.
- Improved cache.
- Improved caching buffer.
- Improved caching current line.
- Improved calc frequencies.
- Improved check im.
- Improved default rank.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved eval snippet behavior.
- Improved examples.
- Improved expand home.
- Improved filename_complete behavior.
- Improved filename_complete mark.
- Improved filename_complete parse include.
- Improved filtering behavior.
- Improved for learning.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch behavior.
- Improved gather candidates interface.
- Improved javascript snippets.
- Improved mappings dictionary.
- Improved neocomplcache#get_source_filetypes().
- Improved prefetch.
- Improved python keyword pattern.
- Improved snippet eval.
- Improved snippets delete behavior.
- Improved snippets_complete rank.
- Improved some snippets.
- Improved syntax_complete caching behavior.
- Improved syntax_complete caching.
- Improved tex keyword pattern.
- Improved tex snippets.
- Improved text mode.
- Improved unite#sources#neocomplcache#start_complete() behavior.
- Improved unite#sources#snippet#start_complete()
- Improved vim_complete variables anaylze.
- Improved vim_complete.
- Re-implemented neocomplcache#start_manual_complete().
- Refactored local variable names.
- Refactoringed.
- Renamed g:neocomplcache_max_filename_width to g:neocomplcache_max_menu_width.
- Set :scriptencoding.
- Supported Rhino.
- Supported complete_check().
- Supported conceal feature in snippet_complete(experimental).
- Supported info in omni_complete.
- Supported nyaos.
- Supported php interpreter.
- Use sandbox in eval snippet.
- Use unite#start_complete().
- Use vital.vim cache module.
neocomplcache-6.1.zip 6.1 2011-08-29 7.0 Shougo Matsushita zipped version.
neocomplcache-6.1.vba 6.1 2011-08-25 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added :NeoComplCacheCachingDictionary in Japanese documentation.
- Added :NeoComplCacheCachingSnippets command.
- Added :NeoComplCacheLockPlugin and :NeoComplCacheUnlockPlugin commands.
- Added g:neocomplcache_dictionary_patterns option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_force_overwrite_completefunc option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_include_max_processes option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_snippets_complete_disable_runtime_snippets option.
- Added neocomplcache#sources#filename_complete#get_complete_words().
- Changed :NeoComplCacheEditRuntimeSnippets and :NeoComplCacheEditSnippets split behavior.
- Changed caching conditions.
- Changed caching timing.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_enable_cursor_hold_i behavior.
- Changed keyword_pattern(experimental).
- Deleted obsolute variable.
- Deleted underbar completion enhancements.
- Disabled auto caching in include_complete when vimproc is not installed.
- Don't caching when open buffer in preview window.
- Don't split when execute :NeoComplCacheEditRuntimeSnippets and :NeoComplCacheEditSnippets commands.
- Don't use swapfile in asyncronous caching.
- Enabled auto-preview.
- Fixed asyn caching error.
- Fixed asyncronous caching bug.
- Fixed check uname.
- Fixed dictionary_complete.
- Fixed doc.
- Fixed filename_complete.
- Fixed g:snips_author problem.
- Fixed get_cur_text error.
- Fixed include complete caching.
- Fixed include_complete caching.
- Fixed include_complete error.
- Fixed include_complete freeze in Windows environment.
- Fixed is_text_mode.
- Fixed keyword pattern.
- Fixed load_from_tags() error.
- Fixed menu problem.
- Fixed neocomplcache snippet sample.
- Fixed neocomplcache#check_match_filter() behavior.
- Fixed path search.
- Fixed php delimiter pattern.
- Fixed rails snippet.
- Fixed snippet like multi snippet behavior.
- Fixed snippets expand behavior.
- Fixed tag caching error.
- Fixed tags caching error.
- Fixed unite source error.
- Fixed vim_complete error.
- Fixed vim_complete.
- Genetate relative path in include_complete.
- Implemented asyncronous caching in include_complete.
- Implemented asyncronous caching in tags_complete.
- Improved :NeoComplCacheToggle, :NeoComplCacheLock, :NeoComplCacheUnlock commands.
- Improved async tags.
- Improved asyncronous tags caching.
- Improved autocmd completion.
- Improved cache loading.
- Improved default keyword patterns.
- Improved execute completion.
- Improved features dictionary.
- Improved filename_complete.
- Improved help include filetype.
- Improved include filename complete.
- Improved include_complete source caching timing.
- Improved mapping completion.
- Improved multi snippet description.
- Improved neocomplcache documentation.
- Improved neocomplcache#get_source_filetypes().
- Improved neocomplcache#get_syn_name().
- Improved python include filetype.
- Improved quick match behavior.
- Improved snippet source description.
- Improved snippet unite source.
- Improved snippet_complete.
- Improved snippets action pattern.
- Improved snippets_complete highlights.
- Improved snippets_complete.
- Improved syntax_complete cache.
- Improved underbar completion.
- Improved variable analyze.
- Improved vim_complete.
- Improved warning message.
- Optimized dictionary filter.
- Optimized filename_complete.
- Optimized memory usage.
- Renamed g:neocomplcache_snippets_complete_disable_runtime_snippets to g:neocomplcache_snippets_disable_runtime_snippets.
- Set tabstop in ftplugin/snippet.vim.
- Substitute "namespace foobar" to "foobar <namespace>".
- Supported coq keyword pattern.
- Supported earthquake.
- Supported stylus syntax.
- Supported vcs.vim.
- Vitalized.
neocomplcache-6.0.vba 6.0 2011-05-01 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added <Plug>(neocomplcache_snippets_force_expand) keymapping.
- Added <Plug>(neocomplcache_snippets_force_jump) keymapping.
- Added <Plug>(neocomplcache_start_unite_complete) mapping.
- Added English snippet manual.
- Added README.
- Added file_include source.
- Added ftplugin.
- Added g:neocomplcache_disable_caching_file_path_pattern option.
- Added neco-ruby description.
- Added neocomplcache asyncronous description.
- Added neocomplcache snippet source.
- Added neocomplcache#get_next_keyword().
- Added neocomplcache#is_buffer_complete_enabled().
- Added tex same filetype.
- Added unite source(experimental).
- Call neocomplcache completion when eskk is ascii mode.
- Changed <Plug>(neocomplcache_snippets_expand) behavior.
- Changed <Plug>(neocomplcache_snippets_jump) keymapping.
- Changed neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expandable().
- Check unite.vim version.
- Deleted :NeoComplCachePrintSnippets command.
- Deleted g:neocomplcache_disable_caching_buffer_name_pattern option.
- Deleted register snippets.
- Fixed async_cache.
- Fixed asynchronous caching encoding bug.
- Fixed buffer_complete error when keyword complete is disabled.
- Fixed buffer_complete error.
- Fixed caching bug.
- Fixed comment typo.
- Fixed completefunc issue.
- Fixed completeopt bug.
- Fixed dictionary_complete bug.
- Fixed expand snippet error.
- Fixed expand snippet.
- Fixed filename_complete bugs.
- Fixed include_complete error.
- Fixed indent file.
- Fixed javascript snippet.
- Fixed manual completion error.
- Fixed preview window problem.
- Fixed quick match bugs.
- Fixed snippet documentation.
- Fixed snippet jump bug.
- Fixed snippets expand pattern.
- Fixed snippets_complete error.
- Fixed tags.
- Fixed unite completion source.
- Ignore caching command line window.
- Implemented alternative buffer completion in cmdwin.
- Implemented async_cache.vim(testing).
- Implemented asyncronous caching in buffer_complete.
- Implemented include path complete in filename_complete.
- Improved Japanese snippet manual.
- Improved async_cache debug support.
- Improved buffer_name.
- Improved cache.
- Improved caching event.
- Improved check dup.
- Improved close popup.
- Improved compare ranks.
- Improved compare_rank().
- Improved completion length.
- Improved context filetype.
- Improved default completeopt set.
- Improved detect completefunc.
- Improved detect paste.
- Improved error messages.
- Improved examples.
- Improved expand snippet.
- Improved feedkeys().
- Improved filename_complete.
- Improved filetype completion.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_ctags_arguments_list option.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns examples.
- Improved get_cur_text().
- Improved hash function.
- Improved include_complete behavior for echodoc.
- Improved neocomplcache#cache#async_load_from_file().
- Improved neocomplcache#get_keyword_pattern().
- Improved neocomplcache#is_eskk_enabled().
- Improved omni_complete.
- Improved snippets_complete.
- Improved tags_complete.
- Improved tex keyword pattern.
- Improved unite source.
- Improved unite-neocomplcache source.
- Improved vim_complete check.
- Improved vimshell include filetype setting.
- Open fold when expand snippet.
- Optimized cache load routine.
- Refactored.
- Refactoringed caching routine.
- Refctoringed snippets_complete.
- Set cpoptions.
- Supported cobol.
- Supported g:eskk#start_completion_length.
- Supported unite.vim.
neocomplcache-5.3.vba 5.3 2010-12-10 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added zimbu support.
- Fixed :Neco.
- Fixed :NeoComplCacheEnableCaching error.
- Fixed buffer caching bug.
- Fixed examples.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_plugin_rank error.
- Fixed vim_complete error.
- Implemented colorscheme completion.
- Implemented ignore source.
- Improved Perl6 support.
- Improved clojure and lisp support.
- Improved error check.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns description.
- Improved haskell keyword pattern.
- Improved modeline.
- Improved python snippets.
- Improved sid functions support.
- Improved snippet_complete manual.
- Improved snippets expand.
- Improved snippets include syntax.
- Improved snippets search.
- Improved vim keyword pattern.
- Independent +reltime.
- Supported Konoha language.
neocomplcache-ver.5.2.vba 5.2 2010-10-02 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added :Neco animation.
- Added NeoComplCacheCachingInclude description.
- Added g:neocomplcache_disable_auto_select_buffer_name_pattern option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_delimiter option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_enable_caching_message option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_force_caching_buffer_name_pattern option.
- Added ghc_complete description.
- Added install description.
- Added objj support.
- Added shell like behavior settings.
- Deleted g:neocomplcache_enable_display_parameter option.
- Deleted member filter.
- Detect duplicated snippet name.
- Fixed :Neco.
- Fixed abbrev_complete redir bug.
- Fixed abbrev_complete.
- Fixed caching bug.
- Fixed caching timing.
- Fixed context filetype bug in filetype plugin.
- Fixed delimiter.
- Fixed echodoc in include_complete.
- Fixed examples.
- Fixed filename_complete.
- Fixed filter bug.
- Fixed filtering.
- Fixed for Vim 7.0.
- Fixed get_cur_text() bug.
- Fixed get_cur_text() in snippets_complete.
- Fixed include_complete bugs.
- Fixed include_complete error in echodoc.
- Fixed is_enabled error.
- Fixed java snippet warning.
- Fixed keyword pattern.
- Fixed mac check.
- Fixed multibyte check.
- Fixed nasm error.
- Fixed plugin manual.
- Fixed snippets analyze.
- Fixed var_dictionary complete in vim_complete.
- Fixed vim_complete cur_keyword_str bug.
- Fixed vim_complete kind bug.
- Fixed xhtml snippet error.
- Implemented escaped ` in snippets_complete.
- Implemented member completion in buffer_complete.
- Implemented neocomplcache enabled check.
- Implemented neocomplcache#do_auto_complete().
- Improved :Neco.
- Improved c++ completion.
- Improved cache timing.
- Improved caching algorithm.
- Improved caching message.
- Improved ctags arguments for mac.
- Improved ctags arguments.
- Improved d snippet.
- Improved delimiter.
- Improved echo.
- Improved error catch.
- Improved eskk support.
- Improved filename complete.
- Improved filename pattern.
- Improved for echodoc.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_ctags_arguments_list.
- Improved gas syntax.
- Improved get_cur_text().
- Improved include cache.
- Improved keyword patterns.
- Improved lock.
- Improved omni_complete default pattern.
- Improved php delimiter.
- Improved plugin error catch.
- Improved print caching.
- Improved snippet syntax.
- Improved vim_complete check.
- Refactoringed :Neco command.
- Revised documentation.
- Supported Vim7.3 in vim_complete.
- Supported echodoc in snippets_complete.
- Supported echodoc in vim_complete.
- Supported lua.
- Supported php namespace.
neocomplcache-5.1.vba 5.1 2010-08-02 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added "nothing" in text mode filetype.
- Added :NeoComplCacheCachingDictionary discription.
- Added g:neocomplcache_quick_match_table.
- Added g:neocomplcache_text_mode_filetypes option.
- Added neocomplcache#set_completion_length().
- Added neocomplcache#smart_close_popup().
- Added omni completion examples.
- Added tex in text mode filetypes.
- Allow blank line in snippet.
- Changed neocomplcache#set_dictionary_helper().
- Changed vim_complete marker.
- Deleted obsolute functions.
- Deleted spell_complete.
- Disabled Ruby omni completion.
- Disabled keyword_complete when eskk is enabled.
- Fixed :NeoComplCacheToggle.
- Fixed analyzing function.
- Fixed autocompletion freeze.
- Fixed context filetype bug.
- Fixed css snippet.
- Fixed documentation.
- Fixed environments parse bug.
- Fixed error when complete directory.
- Fixed error when local variable completion.
- Fixed eskk check.
- Fixed eskk omni completion bug.
- Fixed example.
- Fixed ftplugin bug.
- Fixed get filetype timing in snippets_complete.
- Fixed neocomplcache#complete_common_string() bug.
- Fixed neocomplcache#match_word() bug.
- Fixed neocomplcache#system().
- Fixed omni completion bug.
- Fixed quick match bug.
- Fixed quickmatch error.
- Fixed quickmatch selection.
- Fixed snippet parse.
- Fixed snippets expand error.
- Fixed vim_complete commands.dict.
- Fixed vim_complete error.
- Implemented dictionary plugins.
- Implemented expand completion.
- Implemented filetype plugin.
- Implemented set rank helper.
- Implemented syntax attr helper.
- Implemented text mode.
- Improved :NeoComplCacheAutoCompletionLength behavior.
- Improved autoload plugins.
- Improved buffer caching.
- Improved caching.
- Improved check wildcard.
- Improved context filetype.
- Improved css keyword pattern.
- Improved detect completefunc.
- Improved eskk and vimproc check.
- Improved examples.
- Improved filetype completion.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns description.
- Improved g:neocomplcache_plugin_disable behavior.
- Improved haskell keyword pattern.
- Improved include check.
- Improved include_complete.
- Improved integrated completion.
- Improved interactive termtter pattern.
- Improved javascript support.
- Improved local variable analysis.
- Improved member filter.
- Improved multibyte trunk.
- Improved neocomplcache#close_popup().
- Improved neocomplcache#filetype_complete().
- Improved neocomplcache#get_auto_completion_length().
- Improved neocomplcache#snippets_complete#expandable().
- Improved print error.
- Improved quickmatch selection.
- Improved snippet alias pattern.
- Improved startup.
- Improved termtter keywords.
- Improved text mode.
- Improved tilde substitution.
- Improved truncate filename.
- Improved vim keyword pattern.
- Improved vim_complete.
- Improved vimshell pattern.
- Optimized match.
- Refactoringed vim_complete.
- Skip filename completion when too many candidates.
- Supported GetLatestVimScripts.
- Supported coffee script.
- Supported gdb keyword.
- Supported inline assembly language.
- Supported union.
neocomplcache-ver.5.0.zip 5.0 2010-06-26 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added abbrev_complete plugin.
- Added eskk omni completion support.
- Added g:neocomplcache_delimiter_patterns option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_filetype_include_lists option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_omni_function_list option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_plugin_rank option.
- Added g:neocomplcache_vim_completefuncs option.
- Added neocomplcache#cancel_popup().
- Added objc omni completion support.
- Added pasm and pir support.
- Allow snipMate like snippet.
- Changed NeoComplCacheCachingDisable into NeoComplCacheDisableCaching.
- Changed NeoComplCacheCachingEnable into NeoComplCacheEnableCaching.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_alphabetical_order into g:neocomplcache_enable_alphabetical_order.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_caching_disable_pattern into g:neocomplcache_disable_caching_buffer_name_pattern.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_caching_limit_file_size default value.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_enable_cursor_hold_i_time into g:neocomplcache_cursor_hold_i_time.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_enable_quick_match default value.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_lock_buffer_name_pattern into g:neocomplcache_lock_buffer_name_pattern.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_omni_function_list as g:neocomplcache_omni_functions.
- Changed g:neocomplcache_plugin_completion_length into g:neocomplcache_plugin_completion_length.
- Changed variables name dramatically.
- Check obsolute options.
- Deleted g:neocomplcache_cache_line_count variable.
- Deleted g:neocomplcache_caching_percent_in_statusline option.
- Deleted g:neocomplcache_enable_alphabetical_order option.
- Deleted g:neocomplcache_enable_randomize option.
- Deleted neocomplcache#caching_percent().
- Deleted neocomplcache#cancel_popup().
- Fixed abbrev_complete bug.
- Fixed abbrev_complete check.
- Fixed command line window error.
- Fixed context filetype bug.
- Fixed delete cache bug.
- Fixed disable AutoComplPop.
- Fixed dup problem in snippets_complete.
- Fixed eruby and ruby pattern.
- Fixed examples.
- Fixed expand a snippet contained blank line bug.
- Fixed filename_complete rank.
- Fixed g:neocomplcache_enable_cursor_hold_i bug.
- Fixed help file caching bug.
- Fixed icase bug.
- Fixed include_complete error.
- Fixed manual completion freeze bug.
- Fixed multibyte problems.
- Fixed nested snippet bug.
- Fixed obsolute settings.
- Fixed presentation file.
- Fixed rank bug.
- Fixed save cache error.
- Fixed sort bug.
- Fixed vim_complete freeze.
- Implemented customlist completion in vim_complete.
- Implemented delemiter completion.
- Improved abbr check.
- Improved abbr.
- Improved cache timing.
- Improved caching message.
- Improved caching timing.
- Improved clojure support.
- Improved context filetype.
- Improved cur_text.
- Improved d and java keyword patterns.
- Improved dummy move.
- Improved erlang keyword pattern.
- Improved eruby support.
- Improved eskk support.
- Improved expand snippet.
- Improved filename_complete.
- Improved filter.
- Improved garbage collect and calc rank.
- Improved help.
- Improved icase.
- Improved keyword pattern.
- Improved keyword patterns.
- Improved masm and nasm keyword pattern.
- Improved ruby keyword.
- Improved snippets expand.
- Improved syntax_complete.
- Improved vim_complete.
- Introduced thinca's script.
- Optimized cache.
- Optimized caching.
- Optimized completion.
- Optimized frequencies.
- Optimized memory when loaded cache.
- Optimized sort.
- Refactoringed keyword_complete.
- Refactoringed neocomplcache#start_manual_complete().
- Refixed help caching bug.
- Refixed help file caching bug.
- Reimplemented neocomplcache#close_popup().
- Renamed g:neocomplcache_disable_plugin_list as g:neocomplcache_plugin_disable.
- Renamed g:neocomplcache_plugin_completion_length_list as g:neocomplcache_plugin_completion_length.
- Supported H8-300 keyword pattern.
- dictionary_complete use dictionary option.
neocomplcache-4.30a.zip 4.30a 2010-06-02 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Fixed critical popup bug.
neocomplcache-ver.4.30.zip 4.30 2010-05-31 7.0 Shougo Matsushita * Added g:NeoComplCache_EnableAutoSelect option.
* Added g:NeoComplCache_EnableCursorHoldI and g:NeoComplCache_CursorHoldITime options.
* Deleted g:NeoComplCache_EnableSkipCompletion and g:NeoComplCache_SkipCompletionTime options.
* Deleted mapping check.
* Detect conflicted plugin.
* Detect text was changed.
* Disabled C/C++ Omni patterns.
* Enable cache in "[Command line]" buffer.
* Enable spell_complete in manual_complete.
* Fixed g:NeoComplCache_IgnoreCase bug.
* Fixed html next keyword pattern.
* Fixed neocomplcache#complete_common_string() bug.
* Fixed quickmatch behaivior.
* Fixed quickmatch keyword position bug.
* Fixed vim completion bug.
* Fixed vim_complete bugs.
* If <CR> is mapped, g:NeoComplCache_EnableAutoSelect option does not work to avoid a side effect.
* Ignore command line window caching.
* Implemented CursorHoldI completion.
* Implemented dictionary completion in vim_complete.
* Implemented lazy caching in vim_complete.
* Improved disable bell.
* Improved filename pattern.
* Improved filename_complete.
* Improved for skk.vim.
* Improved g:NeoComplCache_MaxKeywordWidth.
* Improved neocomplcache#close_popup().
* Improved print prototype behaivior when g:NeoComplCache_CursorHoldITime.
* Improved print prototype in vim_complete.
* Improved quickmatch.
* Improved redraw.
* Improved user commands analsze in vim_complete.
* Improved vim_complete analyse.
* Improved vim_complete. Recognize context.
* Improved vimproc#system().
* Revised completion.
* Use b:changedtick.
* neocomplcache disables bell.
- '#' as wildcard in vim_complete.
- Added AutoComplPop like behavior settings.
- Added ml keyword pattern.
- Caching readonly buffer.
- Changed check buflisted() into bufloaded().
- Deleted keyword cache in omni_complete.
- Deleted obsolute functions.
- Deleted obsolute internal variable.
- Detect AutoComplPop.
- Disabled php omni completion.
- Fixed completion length bugs.
- Fixed custom and customlist error in vim_complete.
- Fixed error when NeoComplCacheDisable.
- Fixed menu bug in buffer_complete.
- Fixed prototype in vim_complete.
- Fixed quickmatch bugs.
- Implemented ambiguous command completion.
- Implemented ~Username/ completion in filename_complete.
- Improved buffer cache timing.
- Improved caching timing in buffer_complete.
- Improved caching.
- Improved directory completion in vim_complete.
- Improved dummy move.
- Improved filtering.
- Improved function display in vim_complete.
- Improved help file.
- Improved ocaml keyword pattern.
- Improved recaching behaivior.
- Improved vim_complete.
- Improved wildcard check.
- Refactoringed.
- Revised example settings.
- Supported '<,'>command...
- Use 'path' in filename_complete.
- cd source path when searching include files.
neocomplcache-ver.4.20.zip 4.20 2010-04-15 7.0 Shougo Matsushita * Added snippets_complete help in Japanese.
* Added variables dictionary.
* Caching disable when bufname is '[Command line]'
* Changed default value of g:NeoComplCache_IgnoreCase.
* Completed prototype dictionary.
* Deleted obsolute variables.
* Fixed filename pattern.
* Fixed interactive filetype.
* Fixed manual completion bug.
* Fixed quickmatch bug.
* Fixed quickmatch bug.
* Fixed quickmatch bug.
* Fixed snippets expand bug.
* Highlight color when print prototype.
* Improved _ snippets.
* Improved buffer caching.
* Improved caching print.
* Improved command completion in vim_complete.
* Improved command completion text.
* Improved command name search.
* Improved command prototype dictionary in vim_complete.
* Improved for skk.vim.
* Improved frequency garbage collect.
* Improved keyword_filter.
* Improved manual complete.
* Improved mappings dictionary.
* Improved vim_complete performance.
* Improved vim_complete.
* Incleased omni completion rank.
* Lazy caching environment variables.
* Skip head digits in vim_complete.
* Use neocomplcache#escape_match().
neocomplcache-4.09.zip 4.09 2010-02-10 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added completefunc_complete.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_CtagsProgram option.
- Added interactive termtter keyword.
- Added keyword pattern of batch file.
- Added same filetype lists for vimshell iexe.
- Added snippet files(Thanks mfumi!).
- Added syntax pattern for vimshell iexe.
- Added vimshell omni completion support.
- Deleted '...' pattern.
- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_NonBufferFileTypeDetect option.
- Disabled filename_complete in vimshell.
- Don't fnamemodify in omni_complete.
- Fixed analyzing bug in vim_complete.
- Fixed complete common string bug.
- Fixed complete length bug in omni_complete.
- Fixed complete length bug in omni_complete.
- Fixed ctags execution bug.
- Fixed filename completion bug.
- Fixed functions_prototype bug in vim_complete.
- Fixed indent.
- Fixed multibyte input bug.
- Fixed neocomplcache#get_cur_text() bug.
- Fixed neocomplcache#system.
- Fixed pattern match error.
- Fixed snippet newline expand in snippets_complete.
- Fixed unpack dictionary bug in tags_complete.
- Fixed wildcard bug.
- Fixed wildcard freeze in filename_complete.
- Implemented dictionary_complete.vim.
- Improved NeoComplCachePrintSnippets command.
- Improved analyzing extra args in vim_complete.
- Improved check match filter.
- Improved command completion in snippets_complete.
- Improved composition filetype keyword support.
- Improved filaname pattern.
- Improved filetype completion.
- Improved filtering word.
- Improved head match.
- Improved keywords in vim_complete.
- Improved quickmatch behaivior.
- Improved same filetype.
- Improved skip directory in filename_complete.
- Improved snippet alias.
- Improved syntax detect in snippets_complete.
- Improved syntax highlight in snippets_complete.
- Improved tex pattern.
- Improved trunk filename in filename_complete.
- Optimized buffer_complete.
- Optimized filename_complete.
- Supported Visual Basic.
- Supported interactive ocaml.
- Supported lingr-vim.
- Supported omnifunc name pattern in omni_complete.
- Update lines number in buffer_complete.
neocomplcache-4.02.zip 4.02 2009-12-15 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added C/C++ support in omni_complete.
- Added NeoComplCacheCachingDictionary command.
- Added Python snippet.
- Added filename pattern.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_EnableDispalyParameter option.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_QuickMatchPatterns option.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_TagsFilterPatterns option.
- Added markdown snippet.
- Added same filetype.
- Allow keyword trigger in snippets_complete.
- Caching current buffer in include_complete.
- Catch error in omni_complete.
- Catch eval error in snippets_complete.
- Changed g:NeoComplCache_CalcRankRandomize option as g:NeoComplCache_EnableRandomize.
- Delete dup check in buffer_complete.
- Deleted Filename() and g:snips_author in snippets_complete.
- Deleted \v pattern.
- Deleted caching current buffer in include_complete.
- Deleted caching when BufWritePost in include_complete.
- Deleted calc_rank().
- Deleted dup in include_complete.
- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_EnableInfo option.
- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_PreviousKeywordCompletion. It's default.
- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_SkipInputTime option.
- Deleted prev_rank.
- Deleted regacy option.
- Don't cache huge file in include_complete.
- Don't complete within comment in vim_complete.
- Don't expand environment variable in filename_complete.
- Don't save empty tags file.
- Don't set dup when match with next keyword.
- Fixed NeoComplCacheEditRuntimeSnippets bug.
- Fixed PHP pattern bug in omni_complete.
- Fixed caching error in tags_complete(Thanks tosik).
- Fixed disable expand when buftype is 'nofile' bug in snippets_complete.
- Fixed error when execute NeoComplCacheDisable.
- Fixed error when load file in include_complete.
- Fixed error; when open the file of the filetype that g:NeoComplCache_KeywordPatterns does not have in include_complete.
- Fixed executable bug in filename_complete.
- Fixed expand snippets bug.
- Fixed fatal buffer_complete bug.
- Fixed fatal include_complete error.
- Fixed fatal manual completion bug.
- Fixed filetype bug in include_complete.
- Fixed finalize error.
- Fixed freeze bug in filename_complete.
- Fixed haskell and ocaml patterns.
- Fixed in TeX behaviour in filename_complete.
- Fixed keyword bug in vim_complete.
- Fixed manual completion error in omni_complete.
- Fixed manual completion error.
- Fixed manual completion error.
- Fixed member fileter error.
- Fixed output keyword error.
- Fixed prefix bug.
- Fixed quickmatch bug in omni_complete.
- Fixed quickmatch list bug.
- Fixed ruby omni_complete bug.
- Fixed save cache error.
- Fixed set completeopt bug.
- Fixed set path pattern in Python.
- Fixed snippet expand bug in snippets_complete.
- Fixed tags_complete caching error.
- Formatted help files.
- Ignore space in snippets_complete.
- Implemented <Plug>(neocomplcache_snippets_jump) in snippets_complete.
- Implemented Filename() and g:snips_author for snipMate.
- Implemented auto cache in tags_complete.
- Implemented buffer local autocomplete lock.
- Implemented environment variable completion in vim_complete.
- Implemented hard tab expand in vim_complete.
- Implemented intellisense like prototype echo in vim_complete.
- Implemented keyword cache in omni_complete.
- Implemented pseudo animation.
- Implemented skip directory in filename_complete.
- Implemented the static model recognition in vim_complete.
- Implemented vim_complete(testing).
- Improved analyze in syntax_complete.
- Improved backslash escape in filename_complete.
- Improved buffer caching.
- Improved buffer caching.
- Improved caching print.
- Improved caching speed when FileType in include_complete.
- Improved calc frequency.
- Improved complete option in vim_complete.
- Improved garbage collect in buffer_complete.
- Improved garbage collect.
- Improved get keyword pattern.
- Improved global caching in vim_complete.
- Improved html and vim keyword pattern.
- Improved load complfuncs.
- Improved manual completion.
- Improved next keyword completion.
- Improved omni patterns in omni_complete.
- Improved option in vim_complete.
- Improved print prototype in vim_complete.
- Improved randomize.
- Improved shortcut filename completion in filename_complete.
- Improved skip completion.
- Improved tex keyword pattern.
- Improved wildcard.
- Optimized speed.
- Refactoringed set pattern.
- Reinforced vim_complete.vim.
- Restore cursor position in omni_complete.
- Revised English help.
- Supported backslash in vim_complete.
- Supported manual plugin complete.
- Supported mark down filetype.
- Supported nested include file in C/C++ filetype in include_complete.
- Supported next keyword completion in filename_complete.
- Supported string and dictionary candidates in omni_complete.
- Supported wildcard in vim_complete and omni_complete.
- Syntax_complete disabled in vim.
- Use /dev/stdout in Linux and Mac in include_complete.
- Use caching helper in plugins.
- Use g:NeoComplCache_TagsFilterPatterns in omni_complete.
- Use include_complete's cache in omni_complete.
neocomplcache-3.14.zip 3.14 2009-11-16 7.0 Shougo Matsushita *Fatal: Fixed fatal buffer and dictionary cache bug. *
    - Fixed disable auto completion bug if bugtype contains 'nofile'.
    - Ignore no suffixes file in include_complete.
    - Fixed snippet merge bug in snippets_complete.
    - Fixed break buffer and dictionary cache bug.
neocomplcache-3.13.zip 3.13 2009-11-13 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Add '*' to a delimiter in filename_complete.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_DisablePluginList option.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_EnableAutoSelect option.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_IncludeSuffixes option.
- Added snippet indent file.
- Allow dup and improved menu in omni_complete.
- Allow dup in include_complete and tags_complete.
- Caching buffer when CursorHold.
- Changed cache file syntax.
- Complfunc supported g:NeoComplCache_PluginCompletionLength option.
- Deleted C omni completion support.
- Deleted cpp omni support.
- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_TagsAutoUpdate option.
- Disable auto caching in tags_complete.
- Disabled '-' wildcard.
- Disabled partial match.
- Don't caching readonly buffer in include_complete.
- Echo error when you use old Vim.
- Echo filename when caching.
- Enable auto-complete in tags_complete.
- Expand tilde.
- Filtering same word.
- Fixed auto completion bug in filename_complete.
- Fixed disable completion bug.
- Fixed dup check bug in syntax_complete.
- Fixed error when includeexpr is empty in include_complete.
- Fixed error when omnifunc is empty.
- Fixed eval snippet bug.
- Fixed executable bug in filename_complete.
- Fixed filter bug in include_complete.
- Fixed filtering bug.
- Fixed keyword pattern error in include_complete.
- Fixed manual completion bug.
- Fixed manual completion error.
- Fixed manual omni_complete error.
- Fixed matchstr timing in include_complete.
- Fixed menu in buffer_complete.
- Fixed quick match dup bug.
- Fixed regex escape bug in snippets_complete.
- Fixed skip error.
- Fixed tags caching bug.
- Fixed wildcard bug when auto completion.
- Fixed wildcard bug.
- Implemented NeoComplCacheCachingTags command.
- Implemented cache in tags_complete.
- Implemented completion skip if previous completion is empty.
- Implemented complfunc rank.
- Implemented fast search.
- Implemented include_complete.
- Implemented member filter.
- Improved buffer caching timing.
- Improved caching in tags_complete and include_complete.
- Improved caching timing.
- Improved ctags arguments patterns.
- Improved filename completion.
- Improved html's keyword pattern.
- Improved keyword patterns.
- Improved manual completion.
- Improved omni completion pattern.
- Improved ps1 keyword.
- Improved remove next keyword.
- Improved wildcard behaivior.
- Integrated complfuncs.
- Open popup menu when modified.
- Optimized keyword_complete.
- Optimized tags_complete.
- Print error when cache file is wrong.
- Print filename when caching.
- Recognized snippets directory of snipMate automatically.
- Reimplemented g:NeoComplCache_SkipInputTime option.
- Reimplemented quickmatch.
- Save error log when analyzing tags.
- Set completeopt-=longest.
- Skip completion if too many candidates.
- Split nicely when edit snippets_file.
- Use complete_check().
- Implemented filename wildcard.
- Set completeopt-=menuone.
neocomplcache-3.03a.zip 3.03a 2009-10-13 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added ActionScript support in omni_complete.
- Added NeoComplCachePrintSnippets command.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_CachingPercentInStatusline option.
- Added registers snippet.
- Added scala support.
- Added select mode mappings in snippets_complete.
- Added snippet indent file.
- Added xhtml snippet(Thanks just!).
- Call multiple complefunc if cur_keyword_pos is equal.
- Changed buffer_complete cache directory.
- Clear numbered list when close popup.
- Clear quickmatch cache when auto complete is skipped.
- Deleted cdpath completion.
- Don't select in manual completion.
- Expand tilde.
- Expandable a snippet including sign.
- Fixed completion column bug.
- Fixed css error.
- Fixed cursor pos bug.
- Fixed error in snippets_complete.
- Fixed error when sh/zsh file opened.
- Fixed escape bug in filename_complete.
- Fixed escape bug.
- Fixed expand cursor bug in snippets_complete.
- Fixed fatal bug when snippet expand.
- Fixed fatal caching bug.
- Fixed marker substitute bug.
- Fixed neocomplcache#plugin#snippets_complete#expandable()'s error.
- Fixed next keyword completion bug.
- Fixed non-initialize error.
- Fixed wildcard bug.
- Implemented completion undo.
- Implemented condition in snippets_complete.
- Implemented fast filter.
- Implemented filetype completion.
- Implemented multiple keyword.
- Implemented optional placeholder.
- Implemented sync placeholder.
- Improved caching message.
- Improved caching.
- Improved command's completion.
- Improved filename completion.
- Improved get cur_text in snippets_complete.
- Improved html keyword completion.
- Improved html/xhtml keyword pattern.
- Improved keymapping in snippets_complete.
- Improved no new line snippet expand.
- Improved quickmatch behaivior.
- Improved remove next keyword.
- Improved skip completion.
- Improved snippet menu.
- Renamed keyword_complete.vim as buffer_complete.vim.
- Sort alphabetical order in snippets_complete.
- Splitted filename completion and omni completion and keyword completion.
- Supported abbr in omni completion.
- Supported placeholder 0.
- Supported same filetype lists in snippets_complete.
- Supported snipMate's multi snippet.
neocomplcache-2.75a.zip 2.75a 2009-09-10 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Don't select in manual completion.
- Add rank if match next keyword.
- Added ChangeLog.
- Added NeoComplCacheCachingSyntax command.
- Added Objective-C/C++ support.
- Added css support.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_PluginCompletionLength option.
- Added snippet file snippet.
- Caching from cache in syntax_complete.
- Check cdpath in filename completion.
- Convert string omni completion.
- Create g:NeoComplCache_SnippetsDir directory if not exists.
- Create g:NeoComplCache_TemporaryDir directory if not exists.
- Delete quick match cache when BufWinEnter.
- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_FilenameCompletionSkipItems option.
- Dispay 'cdpath' files in filename completion.
- Dispay 'w:vimshell_directory_stack' files in filename completion.
- Display readonly files.
- Fixed dup bug in snippets_complete.
- Fixed error in manual omni completion when omnifunc is empty.
- Fixed expand jump bug in snippets completion.
- Fixed expand() bug in snippets_complete.
- Fixed filename completion bug when environment variable used.
- Fixed filename completion bug.
- Fixed html omni completion error.
- Fixed manual_complete wildcard bug.
- Fixed no new line snippet expand bug in snippet completion.
- Fixed prefix bug in filename completion.
- Fixed snippet without default value expand bug.
- Ignore japanese syntax message in syntax completion.
- Implemented direct expantion in snippet complete.
- Implemented short filename completion.
- Implemented snippet alias in snippet complete.
- Improved check candidate.
- Improved filename completion.
- Improved filename completion.
- Improved g:NeoComplCache_CtagsArgumentsList in vim filetype.
- Improved get cursour word.
- Improved html omni completion pattern.
- Improved keyword pattern.
- Improved manual completion.
- Improved next keyword completion.
- Improved omni completion.
- Improved omni completion.
- Improved quick match in filename completion.
- Improved quick match.
- Improved quickmatch behaivior.
- Improved skipped behaivior.
- Improved tex keyword.
- Improved vim keyword.
- Insert quickmatched candidate immediately.
- No ignorecase in next keyword completion.
- Optimized filename completion.
- Recognize next keyword in omni completion.
- Search quick match if no keyword match.
- Substitute $HOME into '~' in filename completion.
- The quick match input does not make a cash.
neocomplcache-2.66a.zip 2.66a 2009-08-10 6.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added English manual.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_CachingDisablePattern option.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_CachingLimitFileSize option.
- Added snippet delete.
- Caching snippets when file open.
- Callable get_complete_words() and word_caching_current_line() function.
- Changed short filename into ~.
- Deleted wildcard from filename completion.
- Don't caching readonly file.
- Erb is same filetype with ruby.
- Fixed ATOK X3 on when snippets expanded.
- Fixed snippet expand bugs.
- Fixed snippet without default value expand bug.
- Fixed syntax match timing(Thanks thinca!).
- Improved NeoComplCacheCachingBuffer command.
- Improved css omni completion.
- Improved erb snippets.
- Improved filename completion.
- Improved html and erb filetype.
- Improved neocomplcache#keyword_complete#caching_percent.
- Improved set complete function timing.
- Improved vimshell keyword pattern.
- Improved vimshell keyword pattern.
- Substitute ... -> ../.. .
- Substitute \ -> / in Windows.
- Supported escape sequence in filename completion.
- g:NeoComplCache_SnippetsDir is comma-separated list.
neocomplcache-2.62.zip Ver.2.62 2009-07-13 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added g:NeoComplCache_FilenameCompletionSkipItems option.
- Added make syntax.
- Draw executable files in filename completion.
- Fixed ATOK X3 on when snippets expanded.
- Fixed filename completion bug on enable quick match.
- Fixed keyword sort bug.
- Improved filtering.
- Improved long filename view.
- Improved skip completion.
- Improved vimshell syntax.
- Put up the priority of directory in filename completion.
neocomplcache-2.59.zip 2.59 2009-06-08 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added g:NeoComplCache_TemporaryDir option.
- Changed g:NeoComplCache_PartialCompletionStartLength default value.
- Changed g:NeoComplCache_PreviousKeywordCompletion default value.
- Don't caching when not buflisted in syntax complete.
- Fixed E220 in tex filetype.
- Fixed NeoComplCacheDisable bug.
- Fixed add rank bug in snippet completion.
- Fixed analyze caching bug.
- Fixed caching bug.
- Fixed feedkeys.
- Fixed neocomplcache#keyword_complete#caching_percent() bug.
- Fixed quick match.
- Implemented _ snippets in snippet completion.
- Implemented filename completion.
- Implemented neocomplcache#manual_filename_complete().
- Improved caching timing.
- Improved camel case completion and underbar completion.
- Improved edit snippet.
- Improved filename toriming.
- Improved garbage collect.
- Improved skip completion.
- Improved snippets_complete.
- Improved wildcard.
- Loadable snipMate snippets file in snippet completion.
- Optimized caching.
neocomplcache-2.52.zip 2.52 2009-05-18 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Changed g:NeoComplCache_PreviousKeywordCompletion default value.
- Improved wildcard.
- Don't caching on BufEnter.
- Optimized manual_complete behaivior.
- Optimized NeoComplCacheCachingBuffer.
- Caching on editing file.
- Implemented neocomplcache#close_popup() and neocomplcache#cansel_popup().
- Don't save info in keyword completion.
- Improved popup menu in tags completion.
- Changed 'abbr_save' into 'abbr'.
- Call completefunc when original completefunc.
- Implemented underbar completion.

- Added g:NeoComplCache_ManualCompletionStartLength option.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_EnableUnderbarCompletion option.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_TryFilenameCompletion option.

- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_MaxTryKeywordLength options.
- Deleted NeoComplCacheCachingDictionary command.
- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_TryKeywordCompletion and g:NeoComplCache_TryDefaultCompletion options.
- Deleted g:NeoComplCache_MaxInfoList and g:NeoComplCache_DeleteRank0 option.

- Fixed NeoComplCacheDisable bug.
- Fixed neocomplcache#keyword_complete#caching_percent() bug.
- Fixed analyze caching bug.
- Fixed quick match.
- Fixed abbr_save error.
- Fixed next keyword completion bug.
- Fixed caching initialize bug.
- Fixed on InsertLeave error.
- Fixed ignore case behaivior.
- Fixed escape error.
- Fixed help.
- Fixed :NeoComplCacheCachingBuffer bug.
- Fixed menu padding.
- Fixed caching error.
neocomplcache-2.41.zip 2.41 2009-05-07 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Improved empty check.
- Fixed eval bug in snippet complete.
- Fixed include bug in snippet complete.
neocomplcache-2.40.zip 2.40 2009-05-07 7.0 Shougo Matsushita Upload zip version.
neocomplcache-2.40.tar.gz 2.40 2009-05-06 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Optimized caching in small files.
- Deleted buffer dictionary.
- Display cached from buffer.
- Changed g:NeoComplCache_MaxInfoList default value.
- Improved calc rank.
- Improved caching timing.
- Added NeoComplCacheCachingDisable and g:NeoComplCacheCachingEnable commands.
- Fixed commentout bug in snippet complete.
- Fixed syntax highlight.
- Overwrite snippet if name is same.
- Caching on InsertLeave.
- Manual completion add wildcard when input non alphabetical character.
- Fixed menu error in syntax complete.
- Fixed typo.
- Optimized caching.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_SkipCompletionTime option.
- Added g:NeoComplCache_SkipInputTime option.
- Changed g:NeoComplCache_SlowCompleteSkip option into g:NeoComplCache_EnableSkipCompletion.
- Improved ruby omni pattern.
- Optimized syntax complete.
- Delete command abbreviations in vim filetype.
neocomplcache-2.36.tar.gz 2.36 2009-04-27 7.0 Shougo Matsushita Initial version.
ip used for rating:

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