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Changed : Displays signs on changed lines.

 script karma  Rating 30/12, Downloaded by 2177  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Shuhei Kubota
script type
  Displays signs on changed lines.
  * +signs (appears in :version)
  * diff command
  * setting &termencoding
  1. Setting &termencoding
      Set &termencoding option according to your terminal encoding.
      Its default value is same as &encoding.
          set termencoding=cp932
  2. Changing signs
      To change signs, re-define signs after sourcing this script.
      example (changing text):
          sign define SIGN_CHANGED_DELETED_VIM text=D texthl=ChangedDefaultHl
          sign define SIGN_CHANGED_ADDED_VIM   text=A texthl=ChangedDefaultHl
          sign define SIGN_CHANGED_VIM         text=M texthl=ChangedDefaultHl
      example (changin highlight @gvimrc):
          highlight ChangedDefaultHl cterm=bold ctermbg=red ctermfg=white gui=bold guibg=red guifg=white
  Edit a buffer and wait seconds or execute :Changed.
  Then signs appear on changed lines.
install details
Just source this file. (Put this file into the plugin directory.)

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
changed.vim 1.1 2009-01-17 7.0 Shuhei Kubota Added support for multi-byte file name.
changed.vim 1.0 2008-12-28 7.0 Shuhei Kubota Initial upload
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