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bufmru.vim : switch to a most recently used buffer quickly

 script karma  Rating 38/13, Downloaded by 4123  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Andy Wokula
script type
Switch between MRU buffers from the current session. Like CTRL-^, but reach
more buffers (and maintain only one global list, not one list per window).


  Press  <Space>  to show the most recently used buffer and enter Bufmru mode.

  In Bufmru mode:
  Press  f  or  b  (forward/backward) to reach more MRU buffers.
  Press  e  or  <Enter>  to accept the current choice.
  Press  q  or  <Esc>  to quit the mode and to go back to the start buffer
  Press  y  to copy a file name

  :let g:bufmru_switchkey = "<Space>"
      (checked once) Key to enter Bufmru mode.

  :let g:bufmru_confclose = 0
      (always) Use :confirm (1) when abandoning a modified buffer.
      Otherwise (0, default) you'll get an error message, unless 'hidden'
      is set.

  :let g:bufmru_bnrs = []
      (always) The internal stack of buffer numbers.  Normally, you'll
      leave this alone, but you can manually add or remove buffer numbers
      or initialize the list.  Don't worry about wrong numbers.

  :let g:bufmru_read_nummarks = 0
      (once) Put the number mark '0 ... '9 buffers in g:bufmru_bnrs.  This adds
      buffers to the buffer list!

wildmenu version only:

  g:bufmru_wildmenu   (dictionary, initially not defined)
      (always) Instance of autoload/wildmenu.vim to show buffer names in a
      wildmenu-like list.  If not defined, bufmru tries to load the autoload
      script.  If that fails the value becomes empty ({}) -- and bufmru
      quite unusable.

  :let g:bufmru_wilditems = "bufnr,shortpath"
      (always) How to display entries in the "wildmenu":
      "bufnr"         with prepended buffer number
      "shortpath"     with pathshorten() applied to the bufname()
      There is no error message for wrong items.

splashbufs version only:

  :let g:bufmru_lazy_filetype = 0
      (checked always) If 1, do lazy filetype detection when going through
      the buffers with f and b.  Not used if 'hidden' is set.

special buffer: 'buftype' not empty or 'previewwindow' set


Where it began:

Another MRU buffers script!  But it requires Ruby (that I haven't installed):
LustyJuggler vimscript #2050
install details
bufmru 2.x
        wildmenu version.  Buffers are shown in a wildmenu like list in the
        cmdline area.
        Unpack the archive into ~\vimfiles or a similar folder from your
        'runtimepath'.  Files in the archive:

bufmru 3.x
        splashbufs version.  It is just the plugin file without external
        dependencies.  Buffers are switched instantly like with CTRL-^; but
        switching is meant to be a preview as long as Bufmru is active.
        Copy bufmru.vim to ~\vimfiles\plugin or a similar plugin folder.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
bufmru.vim 3.3 2009-05-10 7.0 Andy Wokula splashbufs only version, option g:splashbufs gone
similar to v2.7, but no change of 'timeoutlen' for Bufmru mode
NF: variable g:bufmru_lazy_filetype
bufmru_2.7.zip 2.7 2009-05-10 7.0 Andy Wokula wildmenu only version, option g:splashbufs gone
BF: 'fileformat' of wildmenu.vim and anwolib.vim set to unix !
BF: now works better with 'lazyredraw' set
BF: g:bufmru_limit=0 now means unlimited (0 makes no sense otherwise)
NF: variable g:bufmru_wilditems to customize wildmenu entries
NF: 'timeoutlen' of Bufmru Mode set to 60000 ms
bufmru_2.0.zip 2.0 2009-03-05 7.0 Andy Wokula like 1.0 but includes a help file and uses autoload/wildmenu.vim to show buffer names in a wildmenu like list
bufmru.vim 1.0 2009-03-05 7.0 Andy Wokula New Variables: g:bufmru_splashbufs
Changed Variables: g:bufmru_confclose, g:bufmru_nummarks renamed to g:bufmru_read_nummarks
Added Keys: y  !  f
Changed Keys: <Space> replaced with  f  in Bufmru mode
New Functions: Bufmru_Read_Nummarks()
* no more cycling: going forward/backward stops at either end of the MRU list
* Valid buffer number: now also 'buflisted' required
Bug fixes ...
bufmru.vim 0.3 2008-08-29 7.0 Andy Wokula now truncates too long buffer names
added g:bufmru_nummarks
bufmru.vim 0.2 2008-08-19 7.0 Andy Wokula some config added, keys added, some obvious bugs fixed. recommended update
bufmru.vim 0.1 2008-08-18 7.0 Andy Wokula Initial upload
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