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spell.vim : Vim 'spell' utility plugin

 script karma  Rating 50/30, Downloaded by 4390  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Yegappan Lakshmanan
script type

Vim plugin for using the 'spell' Unix utility.  Provides commands to spell
check the current buffer, or a range of lines in the current buffer, current
word or a supplied string and to highlight misspelled words.  This plugin
provides the functionality similar to that provided by the emacs spell.el

This plugin provides the following commands:

   1. Spell
      Spell check lines in the current buffer.  The default behavior is to
      spell check the entire buffer. You can specify an ex command-line
      range to spell check only lines in that range. If a word is
      misspelled, you will be prompted to enter the correct spelling for the
      word.  If you enter the correct spelling, then you will be prompted
      for replacing every occurrence of that word in the current buffer.  If
      you press just enter, then the word will be skipped.  If you press
      <Esc>, the spell check will be stopped.

   2. SpellWord
      Check the spelling of the current word under the cursor. If the word
      is misspelled, you will be prompted for the correct spelling.  If you
      enter the correct spelling, you will be prompted for replacing every
      occurrence of that word in the current buffer.  If you press just
      enter, then the word will be skipped.

   3. SpellString <string>
      Check the spelling of the supplied string.  All the misspelled words
      in the string will be displayed.

   4. SpellHighlight
      Highlight all the misspelled words in the current buffer. This command
      also takes a range of lines.

   5. SpellHighlightClear
      Clear the highlighting for the misspelled words.

The 'spell' utility only checks the spelling and will not provide the
alternatives (correct spelling) for a word.  As this plugin depends on the
'spell' utility, you will not get the correct spelling for a word.  You will
only know whether a word is spelled correctly or not.
install details
1. Copy the spell.vim script to the .vim/plugin directory.  Refer to
   'help add-plugin', 'help add-global-plugin' and 'help runtimepath' for
   more details.
2. Modify the s:SpellPath variable, defined at the top of the script,
   to point to the spell utility path.
3. Restart Vim.


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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
spell.vim 1.2 2005-04-13 6.0 Yegappan Lakshmanan Updated the range (of lines) handling. Removed the dependancy on the echo and cat commands.
spell.vim 1.1 2002-02-26 6.0 Yegappan Lakshmanan Added script command description in the comments.
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