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foldsearch : fold away lines that don't match a given pattern

 script karma  Rating 161/53, Downloaded by 3979  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Markus Braun
script type
This plugin provides commands that fold away lines that don't match a specific search pattern. This pattern can be the word under the cursor, the last search pattern, a regular expression or spelling errors. There are also commands to change the context of the shown lines.

For more information about the plugin and its commands please go to [GitHub].

[GitHub]: https://github.com/embear/vim-foldsearch
install details
foldsearch is now distributed as a vimball (see :help vimball)

vim foldsearch.vmb
:so %

and that's all!

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
foldsearch.vmb v1.3.2 2024-05-02 7.0 Markus Braun - add debug messages and functions to dump them on the screen or to a file
- internal refactoring (modify and extend view file instead of storing data in additional variables)
- performance improvements
- bugfix: enable autocommands during restoring previous view again to fix a bug with disabled syntax highlighting after ending foldsearch.
foldsearch.vmb 1.3.1 2024-04-26 7.0 Markus Braun - bugfix: repeated call to `:Fe` removed folding markers in file
foldsearch.vmb 1.3.0 2024-04-25 7.0 Markus Braun - add ability to toggle between foldsearch and original view with `:Ft`
- respect 'ignorecase' setting for pattern highlighting
- bugfix: refactoring to make `:Fc` work again
- bugfix: disable autocommands when restoring previous view to prevent unexpected side effects
- bugfix: for unnamed buffers folds were not correctly restored when foldsearch is finished
foldsearch.vmb 1.2.0 2023-10-01 7.0 Markus Braun - add abilitiy to choose the scope of foldsearch commands
foldsearch.vmb 1.1.1 2014-12-17 7.0 Markus Braun - bugfix: add missing 'call' to ex command
foldsearch.vmb 1.1.0 2014-12-15 7.0 Markus Braun - use vim autoload feature to load functions on demand
- better save/restore of modified options
- added |g:foldsearch_disable_mappings| config variable
- handle multiline regular expressions correctly
foldsearch.vim 2213 2008-07-26 7.0 Markus Braun - fixed a bug in context handling
foldsearch.vim 2209 2008-07-17 7.0 Markus Braun Initial upload
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