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browser.vim : a lightweight web browser opening in a split window for wikipedia etc.

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created by
Michael Brown
script type
               Repo is here. https://github.com/mjbrownie/browser.vim
               This plugin opens a website by making a lynx -dump call behind
               the scenes and takes advantage of the dumps link references so
               you can click on links and browse through a site.

               It seems to work well on wikipedia and any text friendly sites
               when all you want is a quick definition to settle a factual debate... etc.

               Included are some 'K' keywordprg modifications to give you some ideas.
                (If you have any file type specific suggestions please email them to me)

               :WebBrowser www.vim.org
               To open a web page

               :Wikipedia the life of brian
               Will open en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<search term>
               :Google <search term>
               Opens google to the search term

               :GoogleLucky <search term>
               Opens Lucky Google search

               you can also create your own site specific googling eg.  
               com! -nargs=+ GooglePythonDoc call OpenGoogle(<q-args>, 0 , 'docs.python.org')
               (make the second arg 1 for lucky)
               Within the browser view the <tab> key cycles through links and
               pressing <cr> will open a link.

               the u key seems to work ok as a back button
install details
This script requires the lynx browser

Place browser.vim in your plugin folder

also I recommend the pathogen/vundle plugins for installs

then you can just

git clone https://github.com/mjbrownie/browser.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/browser

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
browser.vim 0.1.1 2008-05-05 6.0 Michael Brown Fixed a bug with Google site: and added an escape for ? affecting zsh. Thanks Rainer
browser.vim 0.1 2008-05-04 6.0 Michael Brown Initial upload
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