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hunspchk.zip : Hungarian spell checker

 script karma  Rating 26/15, Downloaded by 3531  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Sandor Kopanyi
script type
(Hungarian description - see below)

The Hungarian spelling checker uses Vim's highlighting ability to make misspelled (Hungarian) words show up as "Error" (usually white on a red background).

The Vim-based Hungarian spell checker also supports entering words that the cursor is on into a temporary or permanent dictionary and allows one to skip to the previous or subsequent spelling error (if any).

Ideea is based on Charles.Campbell's English spelling checker (see

Magyar helyesírás-ellenõrzõ: a hibás szavakat pirossal kiemeli a ViM "syntax" parancsa segítségével. Hibás az, ami nincs benne a script-ben.
Természetesen a lista nem teljes; kiegészítéseket szívesen fogadok (legjobb egy saját file-ba összegyûjteni többet és úgy elküldeni).

Installálás, saját szavak gyûjtése: ld. feljebb az angol szöveget, ill. a megjegyzéseket a file elején. Végsõ esetben persze hozzám is lehet fordulni :-)
install details
Unzip the file, copy the .vim-script anywhere you like and source it. (I prefer to put it under syntax or under macros directory of the ViM distro.)

For more info (temporary wordlist, functions, etc.) see comments at the beginning of the file.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
hunspchk.zip 1.11 2001-11-11 6.0 Gergely Kontra Badwords can contain accents
hunspchk.zip 1.1 2001-06-20 5.7 Sandor Kopanyi Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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