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gauref.vim : Look up a reference manual of Gauche

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  English: http://photozou.jp/photo/photo_only/175590/10747826
  Japanese: http://photozou.jp/photo/photo_only/175590/10747824

Description in Japanese:

Description: ---------------------------------------------------------- {{{1
  Gauref provides interfaces to look up a keyword in a reference manual of
  Gauche which is an R5RS Scheme implementation.
  You can look up a keyword:
    - command-line with completion.
    - under the cursor in Normal mode.
    - selected in Visual mode.
  In the buffer of reference manual, folds for every section/entry are
  created and closed by default. You can open a closed fold by looking up
  gauche-refe.txt and gauche-refj.txt are Gauche reference manuals of
  English and Japanese version which are converted texi files inluded Gauche
Installation: --------------------------------------------------------- {{{1
  - Drop this file in your plugin directory.
  - Drop gauche-refe.txt in ~/.vim/. You can change location by
    g:gauref_file option. (To see japanese manual, use gauche-refj.txt)
Usage: ---------------------------------------------------------------- {{{1
  You can look up keywords by command/mapping.
    :Gauref {keyword}
      looks up {keyword}. You can use command-line completion.
      looks up the keyword under the cursor in Normal mode, or selected
      keyword in Visual mode.
  If there is more than one entry with the same name, you can jump to next
  entry by using "K" on the keyword.
Options: -------------------------------------------------------------- {{{1
    The file name of Gauche reference manual.
    The key which is mapped to look up the keyword under the cursor or
install details

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
gauref.zip 0.1 2008-03-23 7.0 Takeshi NISHIDA Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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