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cwiki : single file wiki with unobtrusive syntax

 script karma  Rating 8/5, Downloaded by 1857  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Alex Kunin
script type
The plugin enhances syntax/folding/mappings of the current buffer, converting it to simple yet useful single-file wiki. Name stands for something like "compact wiki".

Screenshot can be downloaded here: http://a-hw.narod.ru/cwiki.png


* single file storage (readable textual format; built-in VIM encryption can be applied)
* unobtrusive wikiwords (no special symbols like brackets)
* synonyms (you can define them, so "Bill", "William", and "Mr. W. Smith" point to the same article)
* folding (separates articles; shows number of meaningful article lines)
* syntax highlighting
* visual wikiword selector


First level article title: +++ Wiki word
Second level article title: ++++ Wiki word
Third level article title: +++++ Wiki word

Level affects folding only, no other side effects.

Optional metadata is expected to be the first non-blank line after the title:

Synonyms: a, b, {C,c}def

Whitespace before "Synonyms" and after comma is mandatory. Curly braces are expanded like shell patterns, i.e. the line above is equivalent to the following:

Synonyms: a, b, Cdef, cdef

Actually "Synonyms" is the only metadata currently supported.

Key mappings:

n_Ctrl-]: follow wikiword under cursor
v_Ctrl-]: add new article; currently selected text is used as title
n_F5: refresh the wiki (you need this if you altered synonyms)
n_F3: show wikiword selector (current wikiword will be highlighted; move cursor to the desired wikiword and press <CR> to select it, or press <F3> to close the selector)

No other special bindings so far. You can move text around at will. Specifically it is really handy to move whole articles by doing DD and p with folded blocks.

Highlighting groups:

* CWikiTitle1, CWikiTitle2, CWikiTitle3: article titles (linked to Title by default).
* CWikiTitleMark: "+" signs in the title (linked to Title by default)
* CWikiWord: any detected wikiword (linked to Underlined by default)


AFAIK on Win32 by default Underlined looks like Normal, so you won't be able to see any wikiwords. The following might help:

:highlight Underlined gui=underlined

I didn't experience any problems with the plugin yet. But maybe it is a good idea to make backups every now and then (if you do something useful, of course):

set backup
set writebackup
au BufWritePre <buffer> let &bex = '-' . strftime("%Y%b%d%X") . '~'


Here is minimal yet complete sample of the wikifile. Just paste it into new buffer and type :set ft=cwiki (after installing the plugin, of course).

+++ First article

    Synonyms: 1st article, {A,a}rticle #1

Here we have some text. I'd like to mention Mr. W.
Smith (note that his name is wrapped with <CR>).

+++ Mr. W. Smith

    Synonyms: William, Bill, dad

This article is about Mr. W. Smith, also known as
William, Bill. He has two doughters: Jane and Kim.

Article #1 mentions Bill. Though, that 1st article
is rather short.

++++ Jane Smith

    Synonyms: Jane

Ms. Jane's dad is Bill.

++++ Kim

Kim is too young, so we refer to her without the last
name, e.g. no synonyms yet. She loves her dad.
install details
Copy the file into your ~/.vim/ftplugin/ directory. To wikify particular file, load it and then type:

    :set ft=cwiki

You might want to add an autocommand. Alternatively, you can add modeline to your wikifile:

    vim: ft=cwiki

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
cwiki.vim 0.1a 2008-03-03 7.0 Alex Kunin Added visual wikiword selector: press <F3>, selector window will appear, current wikiword will be highlighted; move cursor to the desired wikiword and press <CR> to select it, or press <F3> to close the selector.
cwiki.vim 0.1 2008-03-01 7.0 Alex Kunin Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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