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repmo.vim : repeat motions for which a count was given

 script karma  Rating 169/55, Downloaded by 3277  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Andy Wokula
script type
2016 Nov 22 started a new script at https://github.com/Houl/vim-repmo

Usage by example:

  Type "5j" (without quotes) and then ";" to repeat "5j".
  Type "hjkl" and then ";", it still repeats "5j".
  Type "," to do "5k" (go in reverse direction).
  Type "4k" and then ";" to repeat "4k".

  The following motions (and scroll commands) are mapped per default:
      j,k, h,l, Ctrl-E,Ctrl-Y, zh,zl

Check out:

  Visual mode, e.g. "V5j;;;;"
  "f{char}" followed by ";," -- it should still work
  Operator pending mode with ";" and ","


  :RepmoMap {motion}|{reverse-motion} ...

      Map {motion} to be repeatable with ";".  Use {reverse-motion} for ",".  Key notation is like in mappings.

Options, with defaults:

  " keys to be used for repeating (notation like in mappings), checked frequently:
  :let repmo_key = ";"
  :let repmo_revkey = ","

  " map some default motions (argument string for :RepmoMap):
  :let g:repmo_mapmotions = "j|k h|l <C-E>|<C-Y> zh|zl"


  Your own remapping of a motion is silently discarded.
  Your own remappings for "f", "F", "t" and "T" are kept.

2009 Jun 03
install details
repmo is a plugin, put it into your ~/.vim/plugin folder

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
repmo.vim 0.5.3 2014-06-05 7.0 Andy Wokula supposed to make it work with yankstack (1.0.5)
repmo.vim 0.5.1 2012-09-25 7.0 Andy Wokula - make "v5j" work again after vim7.3.100 (:normal resets the count)
repmo.vim 0.5 2009-06-03 7.0 Andy Wokula - :RepmoMap, new argument syntax
- work in Vi-mode with <special>
- added :sil! before  unmap ;  in case user unmapped ";" by hand
- :normal didn't work with <Space> (i.e. " ")
- let f/F/t/T accept a count when unmapping
repmo.vim 0.3 2008-03-01 7.0 Andy Wokula Initial upload
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