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BBCode : Syntax highlighting for BBCode

 script karma  Rating 55/26, Downloaded by 2094  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Georg Dahn
script type
This script adds syntax highlighting for BBCode, which is an abbreviation for Bulletin Board Code, the markup language used to format posts in many message boards. At the moment it highlights all tags and links defined by the URL-tag, but also the text between B-tags, I-tags, and U-tags (nesting is allowed), too.

TODO: I intended to highlight the text between QUOTE-Tags, too, but found no solution yet which worked for nested quotes.
install details
Just put it in "~/.vim/syntax" or in "<your vim directory>\vimfiles\syntax" on Windows. If you do ":set filetype=bbcode", the syntax definition will be loaded automativcally.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
bbcode.vim 0.9.2 2008-01-01 6.0 Georg Dahn Minor update: the enclosing quotes of a string may also be a '
ip used for rating:

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