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textobj-user : Support for user-defined text objects

 script karma  Rating 115/35, Downloaded by 6188  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Kana Natsuno
script type
*textobj-user* is a Vim plugin to SUPPORT writing user-defined text objects,
especially, simple text objects which can be defined by regular expression.

Note that this plugin only provides functions to support writing user-defined
text objects, and this plugin does not provide any useful text objects.  That
is your work.

- Vim 7.0 or later

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-textobj-user-0.3.12.zip 0.3.12 2012-01-18 7.0 Kana Natsuno - |textobj#user#plugin()|: Fix the bug that "*sfile*" is not correctly interpreted in a Unix-like environment on Microsoft Windows such as Git for Windows.  (Thank sgur for reporting this problem.  See also: https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user/pull/5)
vim-textobj-user-0.3.11.zip 0.3.11 2012-01-17 7.0 Kana Natsuno - |textobj#user#plugin()|: Fix the bug that "move-n" and "move-p" operations for text objects are not correctly defined if 'ignorecase' is enabled.  (Thank h1mesuke for reporting this problem.  See also: https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user/pull/4)
vim-textobj-user-0.3.10.zip 0.3.10 2011-07-20 7.0 Kana Natsuno - Update for Vim 7.3.233 or later.  (Thank cehoffman and thinca for reporting this problem.)
vim-textobj-user-0.3.9.zip 0.3.9 2010-04-19 7.0 Kana Natsuno - |textobj#user#plugin()|: Fix not to define key mappings in Select mode if appropriate.  Now it works smoothly with plugins which utilize and depend on the default behavior in Select mode.
vim-textobj-user-0.3.8.zip 0.3.8 2009-07-18 7.0 Kana Natsuno - Fix a bug that it was not possible to select any range which starts with the end of a line.
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Fix a bug that it did not accept any function which is not script-local as a value for "*{spec}-function*".
vim-textobj-user-0.3.7.zip 0.3.7 2008-10-23 7.0 Kana Natsuno - |textobj#user#select()|: Fix a bug that it didn't select an object
  which: (1) matches to multiple lines and (2) contains the cursor.
- |textobj#user#select()|, |textobj#user#select_pair()|,
  |textobj#user#plugin()| with "*{spec}-function*":
  Support |o_v| and others.  To use this feature, you have to apply
  the following patch to Vim:
vim-textobj-user-0.3.5.zip 0.3.5 2008-08-25 7.0 Kana Natsuno Incompatible changes with 0.3.4 or ealier:
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Change the specification of functions for "*{spec}-function*".

Other changes:
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Add missing description of functions for "*{spec}-function*".
vim-textobj-user-0.3.4.zip 0.3.4 2008-06-26 7.0 Kana Natsuno Fix several bugs.  Add textobj#user#plugin() to define key mappings and a command to support writing a plugin which provides various user-defined text objects.
vim-textobj-user-0.1.zip 0.1 2007-12-15 7.0 Kana Natsuno Initial upload
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