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DSP Make : Set Makeprg for MSDEV DSP

 script karma  Rating 28/9, Downloaded by 2811  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael Geddes
script type
This is a Vim 6 Plugin that is invoked by menu (Code.Set DSP Make) and a map  <leader>dsp, that sets makeprg to the desired msdev project.

It is useful for those using MSDEV projects and want to make from within VIM, and allows choosing a specific target from within a project.

It scans the current directory, and the directory of the current file, and presents a dialog with a choice of all the dsp projects present (assuming there is more than one) and when you choose one, displays a choice of the targets available in that DSP.
'makeprg' is then modified to build that target within the desired project.

Now type :make to make the project!

(It does rely on &grepprg being set to a valid program -either grep or findstr work fine).
install details
Put into the plugin directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
dspmake.vim 0.5 2004-01-29 6.0 Michael Geddes Go up directories to find a .dsp
dspmake.vim 0.3 2002-03-26 6.0 Michael Geddes Allow for spaces in filenames
dspmake.vim 0.1 2002-02-05 6.0 Michael Geddes Initial upload
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