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QuickFixFilterUtil : filter matched files in the quickfix window manually/ drop .svn .hg _darcs

 script karma  Rating -1/1, Downloaded by 1113  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Marc Weber
script type
When grepping I don\\'t want to get the files stored by the version control system. That\\'s why I\\'ve written this script to remove those matches.
It can also be used to replace filenames (cygwin problem)..
If you are unsure which and how many files have been removed just invoke :LogShowAll and rerun.
install details
Just source the files and follow the instructions.
You\\'ll be asked before any action is taken.

If you don\\'t feel comfortable installing to .vim insntall to another arbitrary directory and add it to your runtimepath
(let runtimepath+= ..)

Default mappings are provided in the file
function vl#lib#quickfix#filtermod#EnableQuickFixScript()

If you still have problems drop me a mail.

Patches welcome.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimlib_quickfixfilter_installer_sourceme.zip 0.1 2008-01-13 7.0 Marc Weber The autocommands now do work .git are removed automatically as well now
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