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:REPL : Prompt-driven replace(substitute) for console vim, also in multiple files.

 script karma  Rating -4/6, Downloaded by 1084  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Yakov Lerner
script type
" This script defines command REPL which is prompt-driven. REPL
" command does not take arguments. It prompts for:
" 1) string to replace. You can use * here for current word under cursor,
"    / for current search pattern. Simply Enter means current search pattern, too.
" 2) string to repalce to. Empty string means empty string here.
" 3) Substitution flags:
"     (i) ignorecase (m) matchCase
"     (w) as word    (c) confirm    (f) in files
"    Default flags are 'mw' - match-case and whole-word substitution.
" If you include f in flags, you are additionally prompted for
" file patterns (space-separated). Examples: (1) *.c *.h (2)  **.[ch]
" '**' in file patterns means recursive file matching.
" Press Ctrl-C at any prompt to abort the script.
" That's all.
" Send bugs and wishes to: [email protected]
" Todo & wishes:
" - print "No substitutions" when there were no substitutions. Currently,
"   nothing is printed where nothing was substituted.
" Example dialog:
"  :REPL
"  Replace what > foo
"  Replace to   > bar
"   (i) ignorecase (m) matchCase
"   (w) as word    (c) confirm    (f) in files [mw]
install details
Short instructions: drop script into your personal plugin
directory (~/.vim/plugin)

Detailed version:

1. Download script  repl.vim  from the link below.
2. Create directory ~/.vim/plugin if it does not exist:
                 mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
   (your personal plugin directory).
3. Copy script  repl.vim  into ~/.vim/plugin directory.
4. Restart vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
repl.vim 070521c 2007-05-21 6.0 Yakov Lerner Added optional autowrite in multi-file-replace. Checksum 1752632450
ip used for rating:

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