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vividchalk.vim : A colorscheme strangely reminiscent of Vibrant Ink for a certain OS X editor

 script karma  Rating 359/185, Downloaded by 22218  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
color scheme
This colorscheme is based on the Vibrant Ink theme for TextMate.  The original
theme was biased towards Ruby on Rails and this colorscheme continues that
tradition.  In addition to the GUI, 256, 88, and even 16 color terminals are
all supported.

install details
Install in ~/.vim/colors, or ~\vimfiles\colors on Windows.

Try it out with

:colorscheme vividchalk

If you want to make it the default, add that command to your vimrc or gvimrc.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vividchalk.vim 2.0 2010-02-19 6.0 Tim Pope Diff highlighting.
Spell check highlighting.
Tone down matchparen highlighting.
Fix search highlighting in 16 color terminal.
vividchalk.vim 1.8 2007-07-11 6.0 Tim Pope Eliminated use of ugly underlining if italics isn't available.
Clarified license.
vividchalk.vim 1.7 2007-05-30 6.0 Tim Pope A couple of Rails specific tweaks
vividchalk.vim 1.6 2007-05-23 6.0 Tim Pope Brightened colors up a bit in 256 color terminals.
vividchalk.vim 1.4 2007-05-13 6.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
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