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SearchSyntaxError : search for the next syntax error detected by the vim highlighting mechanism

 script karma  Rating 5/2, Downloaded by 1073  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Yakov Lerner
script type
" This scritp searches for the next syntax error detected by the vim highlighting
" mechanism. To search for the next syntax error, issue command
"       :ERR
" That all, folks.
" You can map this :ERR to your favorite key or key combination as follows:
"    noremap <silent><C-K><C-E>  :ERR<cr>
" For feedback, bugs and wishes: write to: iler.ml at gmail.com
" As a bonus, :ERRP searches backwards for the syntax error.
" And <Ctrl-K><Ctrl-E> is mapped to :ERR, unless somebody redefined it(
" (your vimrc or some other plugin).
install details
Short instructions: drop script into your personal plugin
directory (~/.vim/plugin). Restart vim. Or source the script directly.

Detailed version:

1. Download script SearchSyntaxError.vim from the link below.
2. Create directory ~/.vim/plugin if it does not exist:
                 mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
   (your personal plugin directory).
3. Copy script SearchSyntaxError.vim into ~/.vim/plugin directory.
4. Restart vim


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
SearchSyntaxError.vim 070404b 2007-04-04 6.0 Yakov Lerner added URL at www.vim.org/scripts. Checksum 36635136
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