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Hints for C Library Functions : while typing a C function, a prototype is shown (man2 based)

 script karma  Rating 17/5, Downloaded by 1803  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Charles Campbell
script type
This script may be manually sourced or, if placed in .vim/ftplugin/c, will be automatically sourced whenever a C file is edited (which is where vimball will put it).  The prototypes within it are based on gcc's /usr/share/man/man2 directory.

This plugin is truly simple to use: after one has typed a function name, a protype "hint" will be shown.

ex.    select(

       will result in

          int select(int nfds, fd_set * readfds, fd_set * writefds, fd_set * exceptfds, struct timeval * utimeout)

       being echo'd at the bottom of the display.

You'll probably want your cmdheight option set to at least two (ie.  set ch=2).

(see vimscript#1826 for man-3 based function hints)
(see http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#HINTSMAN2 for the latest version)
install details
1. Make sure you have and are using an up-to-date version of vimball (see vimscript#1502)
    (if you have vim 7.1a or later, you probably can skip this step)
2. vim hints_man3.vba.gz
     :so %

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
hints_man2.vba.gz 1 2007-03-14 7.0 Charles Campbell See a prototype while entering a function call (man2 based)
ip used for rating:

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