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calmar256-{light,dark}.vim : 256 color-scheme for a capable terminal

 script karma  Rating 67/30, Downloaded by 4435  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
calmar c
script type
color scheme
It should be *easy* to tweak the colors,
just tweak the numbers based on this chart:


also see:
:help hl-<highlight-group>  and
:help highlight-groups

calmar256{light,dark}.vim generates the same color for you gvim, like in your 256 color terminal.


(Note: you may need a proper $TERM variable set, so that termcap/terminfo
knows it's a 256 color terminal. E.g. TERM=xterm-256color in xterm's case. but
especially set t_Co=256 in your .vimrc so vim knows about what you want.)

May also have a look at:
http://www.calmar.ws/vim/ (paragraph: Vim and Colors)

The file themselves (very lastest version):


(feel free to upload improved versions etc, colors or code...)
install details
1. Store the color scheme in your ~/.vim/colors/  or so.
2. In vim itself or you vimrc file:
set t_Co=256
colorscheme calmar256-light        " or -dark

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
calmar256-light.vim 0.98 2007-08-28 6.0 calmar c Added support for 'gui' style and guisp (color for undercurl) for gvim
calmar256-dark.vim 0.98 2007-08-28 6.0 calmar c Added support for 'gui' style and guisp (color for undercurl) for gvim
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