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SearchFold : Search a file by folding non-matching lines with optional context.

 script karma  Rating 12/3, Downloaded by 1017  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Juan Frias
script type
SearchFold is a good script to have around. You give it a search string to find and folds everything except for the lines where the string matches. By default is keeps some non-matching lines around so you can get an idea of where you are in the file and gives you the ability to expand “the view” for a particular match to get more context. After you are done looking around you can “quit” the script and keep the fold or go back to the file as it was (restoring any previous folds).

Check  out this page for a screen shot.
install details
1. Read the section titled 'Options'
2. Setup any variables need in your vimrc file
3. Copy 'searchfold.vim' to your plugin directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
searchfold.vim 1.0 2007-02-23 6.0 Juan Frias Initial upload
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