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compview : Creates an interactive search window

 script karma  Rating 65/24, Downloaded by 2078  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Juan Frias
script type
CompView.vim is a handy little script that I use all the time. After a search term is entered it generates a list of matches and displays a window with all the matching lines. As you move around this window to different matched lines the original window is automatically updated to show you where in the file the match is found. It is like an interactive ‘cw’ command.

Check out this page for a screen shot of the script in action.
install details
1. Read the section titled 'Options'
2. Setup any variables need in your vimrc file
3. Copy 'compview.vim' to your plugin directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
compview.vim 1.05 2009-04-11 6.0 Juan Frias Fixed problems with multiple tags and buffers.
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