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recent.vim : Quick access to recently written files

 script karma  Rating 124/43, Downloaded by 1758  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Andy Wokula
script type
Former recentern.vim
Inspired by vimscript #1228

Recent.vim keeps track of files you have _written_ recently.  This is useful
to continue work on files that are scattered around the file system.

The list of filenames is persistently stored in ~/.vim/recent_files

Per default, the filelist shows up at startup if no other file (or session) is loaded.
Also a menu with commands gets installed.  You can turn these things off.

To open a file of the list, several commands and options are provided to make
use of windows and tabpages.

Details can be found in the help file.

- if there is a window for a file, it is always reused (first one found in
  any tabpage), currently not customizable
- files can be ignored based on autocmd-pattern
- filenames can be highlighted based on extension
- the file list is only updated when necessary
install details
recent.vim is a plugin, put it into the plugin folder or :source it directly
:help add-plugin

See the Customization section in the script (recommended)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
recent.zip 12 2007-06-07 7.0 Andy Wokula mostly changes and fixes, added: help file, menu
recentern.vim 9.2 2007-01-18 7.0 Andy Wokula Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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