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capslock.vim : Software Caps Lock

 script karma  Rating 51/19, Downloaded by 2615  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
This plugin enables a software caps lock.  This is advantageous over a regular caps lock in that normal mode commands, other buffers, and other applications are unaffected.

The default mapping is <C-G>c but if you use this feature regularly, you will probably want a shorter one.  Simply map something to <Plug>CapsLockToggle and you are good to go.  The default behavior is to disable caps lock when leaving insert mode, but this is customizable too.

A couple of functions are provided for adding a caps lock indicator to the statusline.

install details
Install capslock.vim in ~/.vim/plugin (~\vimfiles\plugin on Windows).  For help with configuring the statusline or changing the mappings, read the top of the file.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
capslock.vim 1.1 2006-12-06 6.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
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