StateExp : Ease writing code by expanding statements.
script karma |
Rating 32/11,
Downloaded by 1437 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Christian Habermann |
script type |
utility |
description |
The main point this script targets to is to ease writing code. Just type sw<ctrl-s> and you get a complete switch(){case;break;} statement.
But it can also be used to add a header to a letter, etc. What to expand and how to expand can easily be configured.
To invoke the statement expansion, type a short form of a statement and press <ctrl-s> in insert mode.
Memory aid: s (s)tatement expansion
The statement will be expanded. By default the most important C statements are defined.
Press <leader>sh to get a list of defined statements.
Memory aid: sh (s)tatement expansion (h)elp
install details |
Just copy this script into Vim's plugin directory, for details see Vim help ':help plugin'. |
script versions (upload new version)
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