HelpWords : search vimhelp for paragraphs containing given words(substrings) in any order
script karma |
Rating 5/2,
Downloaded by 1392 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Yakov Lerner |
script type |
utility |
description |
" This script searches vimhelp for paragraphs containing
" given words (substrings), in any order, and non-adjacent.
" Scripts defines commandHELPWORDS and it's synonym, HW.
" Usage: HW word1 word2 ...
" This command will search vimhelp for paragraphs
" containing all given words, in any order (and non-adjacent).
" To proceed to the next match, us :cn command.
" Example: HW normal count
" will find all paragraphs that talk about normal-mode counters.
install details |
Drop the script into your personal plugin directory, the ~/.vim/plugin.
If you don't yet have directory ~/.vim/plugin, just create it
with command
mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
Restart vim. That's it. |
script versions (upload new version)
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